Croatian JTACs from the 1st HRVCON successfully completed the "Thracian Viper 24" exercise in Bulgaria, demonstrating a high level of interoperability and readiness for NATO operations

Members of the 1st HRVCON participated in the multinational exercise "Thracian Viper 24" in Bulgaria, together with colleagues from Italy and the USA, improving interoperability and operational capabilities within NATO.

Croatian JTACs from the 1st HRVCON successfully completed the "Thracian Viper 24" exercise in Bulgaria, demonstrating a high level of interoperability and readiness for NATO operations
Photo by: MORH/ hr

Members of the 1st HRVCON within the NATO activities in Bulgaria are nearing the end of their engagement, which included a series of training activities aimed at improving interoperability among allies. Croatian Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) from the 1st Croatian contingent (HRVCON) participated in the exercise "Thracian Viper 24" alongside colleagues from Italy and the United States, while the air forces of the USA, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania, along with the Bulgarian air defense, provided support to the operations.

Cooperation within the Italy-led Battle Group enabled our JTACs to participate in numerous training activities. At the 22nd Bezmer Air Base in Bulgaria, Croatian soldiers successfully completed refresher training in close air support tactics, techniques, and procedures, together with pilots from the Bulgarian Air Force. This training is crucial for preparing participants for the "Thracian Viper 24" exercise, which is held annually with the goal of strengthening interoperability among NATO allies.

Strengthening cooperation among NATO members
The "Thracian Viper 24" exercise included air and ground operations, with a special emphasis on coordination between JTAC teams and air forces, to enable precise and effective support to ground forces in real combat conditions. The three-week duration of the exercise provided participants with the opportunity for intensive training and alignment of procedures with colleagues from other countries. Croatian JTACs actively cooperated with colleagues from Italy and the USA during the exercise, while additional support was provided by air forces from Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania.

Increasing readiness through international cooperation
The "Thracian Viper 24" exercise was an exceptional opportunity for Croatian JTACs to improve their interoperability and level of training within the NATO alliance. This training included complex operations conducted in an environment with active air defenses, further testing their readiness and ability to respond quickly in real-world conditions. The commander of the 1st Croatian contingent highlighted how this exercise allowed soldiers to confirm their ability to work in demanding conditions, and expressed gratitude to the Bulgarian partners for their cooperation.

The significance of international exercises for security
The "Thracian Viper 24" exercise demonstrated that international cooperation is key to maintaining security and stability within the NATO alliance. These exercises not only enhance the operational capabilities of soldiers but also strengthen ties between member countries, which is crucial for joint action in crisis situations. The Croatian military continues to actively participate in such activities, ensuring that its members remain among the best in their specialties and fully prepared to carry out tasks in the most demanding conditions.

Continuing cooperation within the NATO alliance
In addition to participating in the "Thracian Viper 24" exercise, the Croatian military will continue to develop its capabilities through participation in similar international exercises and operations. This type of cooperation provides an opportunity for the exchange of experiences and knowledge among allied forces, further strengthening the readiness and effectiveness of soldiers on the ground. Croatian soldiers have once again demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication, confirming their role as an important partner in the NATO alliance.

Heure de création: 15 août, 2024
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