Completion of basic military training of the 42nd generation of conscripts in Požega with the award ceremony and commendation ceremony

At the barracks of the "123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army" in Požega on June 21, 2024, a ceremony was held for the completion of basic military training of the 42nd generation of conscripts, where awards and commendations were given to the most successful conscripts.

Completion of basic military training of the 42nd generation of conscripts in Požega with the award ceremony and commendation ceremony
Photo by: ZOD/ HKoV/ hr

In the barracks "123rd Brigade HV" in Požega, on June 21, 2024, a ceremony was held to mark the completion of basic military training for the 42nd generation of recruits, with awards and commendations presented to the most successful recruits.

In the Basic Training Battalion, Infantry and Armor Training Center of the Training and Doctrine Command of the Croatian Army "Fran Krsto Frankopan" in Požega, the training for the 42nd generation of recruits in voluntary military training was completed.

Participation of recruits
A total of 100 recruits, including 17 girls, completed the eight-week basic military training. On this occasion, a ceremony was held in the barracks "123rd Brigade HV" to mark the completion of the training, and awards and commendations were given to the most successful recruits.

Competition for the best recruit
Before the end of the training, a competition for the best recruit was held, where the most prepared recruits demonstrated their newly acquired military skills and psychophysical readiness. The winners of the competition are recruit Filip Lončarević and recruit Patricija Šalinović. Both were commended in writing for completing the assigned tasks and were awarded the Volunteer Recruit badge.

Start and completion of training
The training began on April 25, 2024, and with its successful completion, the recruits gained the military-professional specialty of infantry shooter. This fulfilled one of the prescribed conditions for a professional military career. They will have the opportunity to further develop the acquired basic military skills and knowledge in the continuation of their military career in the ranks of the Croatian Armed Forces.

Heure de création: 23 juin, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

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En plus de se concentrer sur l'armée croate, Tea s'intéresse également aux tendances mondiales de l'industrie militaire, y compris le développement et l'application d'armements avancés, de drones, de cybersécurité et d'autres technologies qui transforment la manière dont les conflits modernes sont menés. Ses analyses d'équipement militaire et d'armement fournissent des aperçus approfondis sur les avantages et les limitations des différents systèmes, soulignant l'importance de l'innovation technologique pour le maintien de la sécurité nationale et mondiale.

Tea explore également comment les simulations militaires et les jeux stratégiques peuvent servir d'outils pour la formation et le développement de stratégies militaires, offrant des perspectives uniques sur la préparation et l'exécution des opérations militaires. À travers ses interactions avec des experts, des analystes militaires et des communautés de vétérans, elle apporte des histoires qui illustrent la complexité des défis militaires et l'importance de la formation continue et de l'adaptation.

Son engagement sur fait de Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš une journaliste clé pour les lecteurs intéressés par la défense et la sécurité, leur fournissant des analyses complètes et approfondies qui contribuent à une meilleure compréhension des questions militaires. Tea enrichit non seulement les connaissances de ses lecteurs sur la stratégie militaire, l'équipement et la technologie, mais elle promeut également la prise de conscience de l'importance des innovations et des avancées technologiques dans la préservation de la paix et de la sécurité.