A good example? How does Legrad in northern Croatia use unconventional methods to attract new residents by selling houses for just 13 cents

Legrad, a small town in northern Croatia, offers houses for just 13 cents to attract new residents. The initiative, started in 2018, has already yielded first results, and the municipality continues with new real estate sales circles.

A good example? How does Legrad in northern Croatia use unconventional methods to attract new residents by selling houses for just 13 cents
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Municipality of Legrad, located in northern Croatia near the Hungarian border, has been attracting public attention for several years now with its unconventional approach to demographic renewal. This small town with about 2000 residents faces the same problem as many other rural communities in Croatia – youth emigration, an aging population, and a declining number of residents. However, Legrad has found a creative solution to this challenge: selling houses at a symbolic price of just 13 cents.

The initiative was launched in 2018, when the municipality first offered several houses at the price of one kuna. The goal was to attract young families who would revitalize this area, and the results are already visible. Namely, several houses have already been sold, and the families who have moved in have contributed to the increase in the number of children in the local kindergarten, which was one of the main goals of the program.

To qualify for the purchase of these affordable properties, interested parties must meet certain conditions. Buyers must be under 45 years old, in a marital or common-law relationship, and must not own other properties. Also, an important condition is that buyers do not have a criminal record. These criteria are designed to encourage the settlement of young families who will contribute to the long-term revitalization of the community.

Legrad is not the only community using such methods to attract new residents. Similar examples can be found in Italy, where some smaller towns have offered properties at a symbolic price of one euro to attract new residents and revitalize their settlements. However, Legrad's model is specific in that it also includes subsidies for house renovation, further reducing costs for new owners.

This initiative, although it cannot solve all of Croatia's demographic problems, shows how local authorities can find creative solutions to the challenges they face. The success of the program in Legrad could serve as an inspiration to other municipalities struggling with emigration and population decline.

For those looking for a new start in a quieter environment, Legrad offers much more than just cheap property. This town provides an opportunity to live in a community that is determined to revive its region, and with the support of local authorities and the community, new residents have the opportunity to be part of this transformation.

The future of Legrad depends on the success of such initiatives, but it is already clear that this small town is on the right path to becoming an example of how creative ideas can bring about significant change in small communities.

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Heure de création: 25 août, 2024
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AI Ivana Detaljna

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