The Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia performed at the 22nd Festival of Military Orchestras in Hungary in front of a large audience

The Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia participated in the 22nd Military Orchestra Festival in Debrecen, Hungary, performing an unforgettable concert under the direction of Major Ivan Kšenek and Captain Josip Kapović, delighting the audience.

The Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia performed at the 22nd Festival of Military Orchestras in Hungary in front of a large audience
Photo by: ZzP/ hr

During the past week, the 22nd military band festival was held in the Republic of Hungary. At this event, the Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia performed in front of numerous citizens of Debrecen, providing an unforgettable musical experience.

Under the direction of Major Military Specialist Ivan Kšenek and Captain Military Specialist Josip Kapović, the concert of the Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia attracted great attention. In addition to the classical concert, the marching band of the Orchestra performed a choreographed show on the main town square in Debrecen, where they played pieces from a rich domestic and foreign repertoire.

This year, the military band festival in Hungary gathered around 600 military musicians from various countries, including Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Egypt, and Croatia. Each country presented its musical tradition through performances by its bands, creating a unique cultural mosaic.

The Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia particularly stood out with their performances, representing the Republic of Croatia and its Armed Forces in an extremely professional and dignified manner. Their performance was very well received and caused great enthusiasm among the audience. Such performances contribute to strengthening international relations and promoting Croatian culture and music abroad.

This year, the festival provided a platform for the exchange of musical experiences and ideas among military musicians from different parts of the world. Each orchestra had the opportunity to showcase their skills and unique interpretations, and the audience could enjoy the diversity of musical styles.

The Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia left a strong impression with their performance and further strengthened Croatia's reputation in the international community of military orchestras. Their performance not only demonstrated a high level of musical skill but also the dedication and professionalism of Croatian military musicians.

Such festivals are important for promoting cultural cooperation and understanding among nations, contributing to the creation of new friendships and strengthening existing ties. The Symphony Wind Orchestra of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia will continue to promote Croatian music and culture around the world, performing at various international events.

Heure de création: 09 juillet, 2024
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