The Government of the Republic of Croatia presents the report on the operations of the Coastal Liner Shipping Agency for 2023, focusing on the connection between the islands and the mainland

The Government of the Republic of Croatia has made a key decision to accept the report of the Coastal Liner Shipping Agency for 2023, ensuring better connectivity between the islands and the mainland

The Government of the Republic of Croatia presents the report on the operations of the Coastal Liner Shipping Agency for 2023, focusing on the connection between the islands and the mainland
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At the meeting held yesterday, the Government of the Republic of Croatia made a key decision regarding the acceptance of the 2023 Report on the work of the Coastal Line Maritime Transport Agency. This important decision presents a detailed overview of the Agency's work, which plays a key role in ensuring stable and regular connectivity between Croatian islands and the mainland. The connection between the islands and the mainland is not just a matter of transportation, but also maintaining the economic and social infrastructure necessary for island life.

The 2023 report covers a wide range of activities of the Agency, including the management of line transport, subsidies, regulation, and the improvement of the islander rights information system (SEOP). It is especially important to highlight that the Agency is recognized as the fundamental regulator when it comes to organizing state lines and maintaining fast boat lines, which is of particular importance for the island population. In 2023, the Agency successfully coordinated subsidies for preferential transport and ensured the financial stability of shipping companies that maintain lines between the islands and the mainland.

Financial results for 2023

The planned revenues of the Agency for 2023 amounted to 68.6 million euros, while expenses covered a wide range of activities. The largest part of the costs relates to subsidies for shipping companies, the issuance of island cards, and material costs. Special focus was placed on issuing new island cards, which are key for preferential transport of islanders, enabling easier and cheaper access to transportation. In addition, the Agency continued to work on modernizing services, digitizing, and improving shipping infrastructure.

The role of the Agency in the regulation of line transport

One of the key tasks of the Agency is the regulation of ship lines that ensure the connection between the mainland and the islands. This regulation is of great importance for the island population, especially during the tourist season when traffic increases significantly. In 2023, as much as 70% of annual revenues on lines between the mainland and the islands were generated between May and October, highlighting the seasonality of this service. However, even outside the tourist season, maintaining line transport is crucial for the daily life of islanders. The Agency therefore continued to cooperate with shipping companies to ensure that all islanders can use preferential transport throughout the year.

Special emphasis was placed on strengthening international maritime connections and modernizing the fleet, which will further improve the safety and efficiency of maritime traffic. Future plans include increasing the frequency of lines, better management of digital systems such as SEOP and POSI, and further cost optimization. In 2023, through this method of management and coordination, the Agency ensured the continuous operation of services that are vital for islanders, but also for the entire economy that depends on these transport connections.

The report also mentions the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which in 2020 caused significant disruptions in line transport. Although these challenges are now less pronounced, the Agency in 2023 continued to implement measures to ensure the stability of the lines and passenger safety. The Agency also continued to work on improving digital solutions, with the aim of providing even better communication between islanders and service providers.

Plans for the future

Looking ahead, the Agency will focus on further modernization and digitization of its services, including the improvement of the shipping fleet to reduce harmful gas emissions and improve energy efficiency. Additional subsidies for island lines and new investments in digital infrastructure are also announced, which will enable even better service for passengers. In 2023, through these innovations and improvements, the Agency laid the foundation for the further development of line maritime transport in Croatia.

In conclusion, the Government of the Republic of Croatia assessed the work of the Agency for 2023 as extremely successful, particularly emphasizing the contribution the Agency makes to maintaining vital transport connections between the islands and the mainland. Given the importance of these connections for the island population and the economy, the Agency will continue to be a key player in ensuring high-quality and accessible maritime services on the Croatian Adriatic.

Heure de création: 11 octobre, 2024
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