Career opportunities for young scientists in the DONES project

Presentation of career opportunities for young scientists within the DONES project: an opportunity to engage in fusion energy and advanced research projects in Croatia and Spain

The DONES project, led by Croatia and Spain, offers unique opportunities for young scientists. It includes the construction of advanced research facilities for testing materials for future fusion power plants

Presentation of career opportunities for young scientists within the DONES project: an opportunity to engage in fusion energy and advanced research projects in Croatia and Spain
Photo by: Institut Ruđer Bošković

The DONES project (DEMO Oriented NEutron Source), led by Croatia and Spain, is becoming a key initiative in the development of future fusion power plants, including the construction of accelerator infrastructure for the research of materials that will be used in these plants. This project offers a unique opportunity for young scientists and researchers to engage in the latest technologies and multidisciplinary research, including physics, medical technology, biology, engineering, and nuclear physics.

The ceremonial presentation of career opportunities for young scientists as part of the DONES project will take place on October 2, 2024, at the House of Europe in Zagreb, where young researchers from Croatia and Spain will share their experiences and advice. This event emphasizes the importance of involving young talents in large international projects like DONES, which play a crucial role in the development of sustainable energy in the future. According to the organizers, the project is recognized as strategically important for the European Union and opens new job opportunities for young professionals.

The DONES project itself is based on international cooperation and is funded by resources from multiple sources, including contributions from Croatia and Spain, while the European Commission and the Fusion for Energy agency participate with additional funds and technical support. This infrastructure, located in Granada, Spain, will be used to test materials under extreme conditions, simulating conditions within fusion reactors. Croatia, with its contribution to the construction of this infrastructure, participates in the development of key components such as lithium cooling cranes, which are essential for the operation of fusion power plants. Cooperation with Spain also includes the exchange of scientists and engineers, enabling the transfer of knowledge and technology between the two countries.

The Ruđer Bošković Institute, together with the Institute of Physics and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, leads the Croatian contribution to the project through the DONES.HR consortium. This consortium works on the development of technologies needed for fusion power plants and also deals with the development of new research tools and equipment, such as detectors for measuring neutron radiation and remote control systems, which will play a crucial role in the operation of fusion reactors. Besides scientific value, the DONES project offers an opportunity for training new generations of scientists and researchers in the field of nuclear energy, focusing on creating sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

As part of the event program, participants will have the opportunity to listen to presentations by key researchers involved in the project, and a round table with interactive audience participation will also be organized, during which young scientists will be able to ask questions to experts. The event will conclude with an informal gathering with refreshments, providing an opportunity for networking and exchanging ideas among participants.

  • 17:00 – 17:15: Welcome speech – Zrinka Ujević and the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain, Juan González-Barba.

  • 17:15 – 18:00: Presentations – Antonio Moreno, Kristina Tomić Luketić, Toni Dunatov, and Daniel Miler.

  • 18:00 – 18:30: Interactive discussion with researchers and experts.

  • 18:30 – 19:00: Networking and refreshments with cocktails.

This event offers young scientists a unique opportunity to get acquainted with current research in the field of fusion energy and future technologies, which will play a key role in global efforts to create sustainable and safe energy.


Czas utworzenia: 01 października, 2024

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