The Centre's rejected amendments to the local tax law raise questions of the fairness of the system

The rejection of key amendments to the law on local taxes has drawn criticism due to insensitivity to the needs of citizens and increasing inequality.

The Centre
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Rejecting the amendment to the Law on Local Taxes has once again opened the debate on the transparency and fairness of the tax system in Croatia. The Center Party, which proposed three key amendments, argues that their adoption would improve the protection of citizens' rights and provide clearer rules for taxation. However, the government decided to reject all the proposals, which has led to sharp reactions from the opposition and parts of the public.

What did the Center's amendments propose?

The first amendment from the Center Party was aimed at introducing a change in the method of calculating and collecting taxes when filing an appeal. Under the current law, citizens are obligated to pay taxes even if they have filed an appeal against a decision by the Tax Administration. The Center proposed that payment be deferred until a final decision on the appeal is made. "This is not just a matter of financial burden, but also of basic justice towards citizens," said Center MP Viktorija Knežević. She believes that such a change would be a step towards greater balance between citizens and state institutions.

The second proposal from the Center concerned exempting short-term landlords from property taxes. In the draft law, those using property for business activities are exempt, but short-term rental is not recognized as such. "Short-term rental is a business activity and should be treated the same as other similar activities. This is a matter of equality before the law," said Knežević, warning that the current law violates basic constitutional principles of fairness.

The third proposal, which was also rejected, concerned transparency in the property valuation process. The Center proposed that all local government units be required to follow the Property Valuation Law. This, according to their words, would prevent arbitrariness and enable consistency in determining taxes. "Citizens should not depend on the goodwill of cities and municipalities, but should have clear and equal rules," emphasized Knežević.

Sharp reactions from the opposition

Opposition parties, including the Center, spared no words in criticizing the government. Knežević, in her address, pointed out that such rejection of the amendments is an indication that the government's priorities are far from the daily needs of citizens. "Instead of advocating for a fairer tax system, the government makes decisions that further increase inequality and insecurity. This is a clear example of ignoring the real problems of citizens," she said.

She added that such decisions send the message that authorities are willing to sacrifice citizens' interests for short-term political calculations. She especially highlighted the problem of small landlords who, according to her, bear an disproportionately large burden of tax policy. "The right to work and the right to property are fundamental rights that should be protected, and such decisions directly jeopardize them," Knežević concluded.

The bigger picture and consequences

The rejection of these amendments has sparked a wider debate about what kind of tax system Croatia wants. Tax law experts warn that the current system, instead of ensuring equality and transparency, often results in additional burdens for certain groups of citizens, particularly those engaged in small businesses and property rentals. Additionally, parts of the public believe that the consequences of such legal changes on the broader economic situation need to be analyzed in greater detail.

While the government claims that the law is designed to ensure greater financial stability for local units, the opposition emphasizes that transparency and equal treatment of all citizens is key. They believe the rejected amendments from the Center were an opportunity to correct certain inconsistencies and injustices in the current system.

It seems that the debate on these issues will continue, and citizens are still waiting for concrete changes that will ease their daily lives. For now, however, the impression remains that key opportunities for improvement have been missed, while the burden of unjust decisions continues to rest on the shoulders of ordinary people.

Czas utworzenia: 14 grudnia, 2024
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