Prime Minister Plenkovic visits Sali on Dugi otok, announces major investments in infrastructure and water supply

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic visited Sali on Dugi otok, where he announced the realization of the water supply project in four years and emphasized the importance of infrastructure investments, including the renovation of the port and utility infrastructure.

Prime Minister Plenkovic visits Sali on Dugi otok, announces major investments in infrastructure and water supply
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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković visited Sali on Dugi Otok today. During his visit, he toured the newly renovated Sali port, the Croatian Library and Reading Room Sali, and the Mardešić Fish Cannery. Plenković emphasized that the construction of the breakwater is the largest investment on the island in the past few decades, highlighting the importance of the water supply project in the Zadar County, which is expected to be completed in four years.

The Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction at being the first Prime Minister to visit Sali in 35 years. Thanking for the warm welcome, he stressed that the opening of the breakwater, worth 12 million euros, is a key investment for the island. He added that this project is of strategic importance.

Plenković reminded that significant funds have also been invested in roads and communal infrastructure on the island, including landfill remediation, wastewater treatment facilities, and various drainage and purification activities. He also announced the continuation of infrastructure projects on Dugi Otok, highlighting visible progress.

Investments in Croatian Islands
Prime Minister Plenković emphasized that a total of 3.4 billion euros have been invested in Croatian islands during his mandate. In addition, he mentioned the restoration of the parish church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and highlighted the importance of tourism for the local community.

The Prime Minister praised the hosts for their hospitality and emphasized that tourism is a significant economic sector, especially during the summer months when the number of visitors increases significantly. He also reminded that the Telašćica Nature Park received a silver award from Green Destinations at the ITB tourism fair in Berlin, and 2 million euros were invested in the Grpašćak Visitor Center.

Plenković emphasized that Sali leads in demographic revitalization, with 8 thousand euros per newborn, which is reflected in the increased number of first-graders. Funds were also invested in the kindergarten and an additional 300 thousand euros in the construction of a nursery.

Investments in Water Supply
Prime Minister Plenković emphasized the importance of water for the islands and pointed out that the Government subsidizes water transport ships with 100 thousand euros annually, but that this is not a long-term solution. According to him, Croatia has reorganized its strategic tasks and is investing in infrastructure, including road, coastal, and energy infrastructure, with special emphasis on water and communal infrastructure.

Plenković stated that the water supply investment project in Zadar County is underway, with planned completion in four years, after which Dugi Otok will have drinking water. "The project is large and important, and I think you deserve it," said the Prime Minister.

During the visit to Dugi Otok, along with Prime Minister Plenković, were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković, Minister of Culture and Media Nina Obuljen Koržinek, Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Šime Erlić, and State Secretary in the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Josip Bilaver.

The Government is committed to the further development of the islands and plans a series of projects that will improve the quality of life on Dugi Otok and other Croatian islands. Investments in infrastructure and demographic measures are key to the sustainable development of these areas.

Hora de creación: 23 julio, 2024
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