59th Vinkovci Autumn: Slavonian tradition, folklore and music

The 59th Vinkovci Autumn celebrates Slavonian heritage with a rich program of folklore, music and gastronomy through ten days of events

From 13 to 22 September, Vinkovci will host tens of thousands of visitors at the 59th Vinkovci autumns. Visitors will enjoy folklore festivals, concerts by famous performers, and unique Slavonian gastronomic delicacies.

The 59th Vinkovci Autumn celebrates Slavonian heritage with a rich program of folklore, music and gastronomy through ten days of events
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

This year's 59th Vinkovci Autumn Festival, which takes place from September 13th to 22nd, represents an event rich in cultural and traditional activities dedicated to preserving Slavonian and Šokac heritage. The main theme of the festival, "Hands of Šokac Memories," is dedicated to the older generations, especially grandmothers and grandfathers, who are the guardians of tradition. Over ten days, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a diverse program that includes folklore reviews, traditional music, gastronomic specialties, and entertaining content.

The event begins on September 13th with the County Folklore Review, featuring more than 50 folklore groups from the entire Vukovar-Srijem County. The second day, September 14th, brings the Inter-County Children's Folklore Review, while on September 15th, more than 2,500 children from 60 children's folklore groups will parade through the city streets, showcasing their commitment to preserving tradition through song and dance.

The highlight of the Vinkovci Autumn Festival will be the National Review of Original Croatian Folklore, held on September 21st and 22nd. This review gathers the best folklore groups from all over Croatia, displaying the richness of Croatian tradition through dance, music, and costumes. A special attraction is the Grand Parade and Horse-Drawn Carriage Show, which will take place on the last day of the event, September 22nd, when 75 cultural and artistic societies will march through the streets of Vinkovci, accompanied by about thirty horse-drawn carriages and fifty riders.

Besides folklore events, the Vinkovci Autumn Festival offers a rich music program. This year on the main stage, well-known performers like Parni Valjak, Zsa Zsa, Vatra, Dalmatino, Klapa Rišpet, Ivo Amulić, and Z++ will perform, while fans of tamburitza music can look forward to performances by Garavi and Slavonske Lole. The music program is designed to satisfy the tastes of different generations, providing visitors the opportunity to enjoy popular music and traditional Slavonian sounds.

Alongside music and folklore, the Vinkovci Autumn Festival is known for its rich gastronomic offerings. The Wine Street opens its doors again this year for wine lovers, while at Bircuz and the fairground of Slavonski Sokak, visitors can taste traditional Slavonian dishes like stew and fish stew. This gastronomic offer provides an authentic experience of Slavonia, along with a wealth of homemade products offered by local craftsmen and farmers.

This year, special attention is given to children's content. The Courtyard of Ideas, located in the Lapidarium of the Vinkovci City Museum, will be the central place for creative workshops and fun activities for the youngest. The organizers have ensured that every family member finds something for themselves, making the Vinkovci Autumn Festival stand out as an event that celebrates family and togetherness, in line with the tradition passed down from generation to generation.

Cultural and artistic societies, local craftsmen, performers, and volunteers all contribute to creating an unforgettable experience of the Vinkovci Autumn Festival, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. This event not only preserves and promotes Slavonian and Šokac culture but also creates a space for mutual socializing, exchanging experiences, and celebrating rich Croatian traditions.

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Czas utworzenia: 13 września, 2024

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