Minister Tonči Glavina on sustainable tourism development on the island of Hvar: joint efforts for a better future

Minister Tonči Glavina on the importance of sustainable tourism development on the island of Hvar: Joint efforts for a better tourism future and preservation of the quality of life of the local population

Minister Tonči Glavina held a meeting with key representatives of the tourism sector of the island of Hvar to discuss the future of sustainable tourism, improving infrastructure, and preserving the quality of life of the local community. He emphasized the importance of year-round tourist offerings and the integration of sports tourism

Minister Tonči Glavina on the importance of sustainable tourism development on the island of Hvar: Joint efforts for a better tourism future and preservation of the quality of life of the local population
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Minister Tonči Glavina held an extensive meeting with representatives of the tourism sector of the island of Hvar, attended by the mayors of Hvar and Stari Grad and the heads of the municipalities of Jelsa and Sućuraj. In addition to the mentioned local leaders, representatives of professional associations, state institutions, members of the Croatian Tourism Council, and representatives of emergency services participated in the meeting. They discussed the results so far and the next steps to improve tourism, with an emphasis on sustainability, infrastructure improvement, and preserving the quality of life for the local population.

Challenges and priorities of tourism development

The key topic of the meeting was sustainable tourism development, which involves maintaining a balance between tourism growth and resource conservation, as well as the quality of life in local communities. Minister Glavina emphasized the importance of extending the tourist season throughout the year, which will contribute to a better balance of tourist activities and reduce the burden on the local community during the summer months. This approach allows for a more even economic development and helps preserve the natural resources of the island.

In line with this, special attention was given to issues related to infrastructure, housing, and the management of natural resources. The minister emphasized that cooperation with local communities is planned to implement projects that will enable a green and digital transition of tourist activities. In 2024, 3.4 million euros is planned for co-financing 325 tourism projects, which include investments in energy efficiency, service improvement, and the digitization of hospitality facilities and campsites. These projects cover various sectors of tourism, from hotels to family farms (OPG), with the aim of increasing competitiveness and service quality and supporting sustainable development.

Encouraging sports tourism

The minister also highlighted the importance of sports tourism as one of the key segments in developing Hvar's year-round tourist offer. The Government of the Republic of Croatia co-financed the holding of the Spartan World Championship 2024. with an amount of 1.5 million euros this year. This event gathered more than 2,500 competitors from 36 countries around the world, further solidifying Hvar's position on the international tourism map as a destination that is not limited to just the summer season. This also contributes to promoting sports within the local community, as well as a wider acceptance of sports activities among the residents.

Sustainability as a key determinant

During the meeting, plans were presented for further reforms and sub-legislative acts that will further regulate the tourism sector, especially regarding sustainability. Minister Glavina emphasized that it is necessary to further involve local communities and tourism stakeholders to establish a synergy that will ensure the successful implementation of these measures. It was also announced that future meetings of the tourism council will be held outside of Zagreb, aiming to encourage regional development and greater involvement of local communities in decision-making.

In addition to tourism projects, the meeting discussed the management of tourist flows, aiming to reduce excessive tourist pressure during the peak season and distribute tourists more evenly throughout the year. The minister emphasized that Croatian tourism is now entering a new era based on quality, sustainability, and innovation, rather than just mass tourism and large numbers of arrivals.

Results and perspectives for the future

The results of the tourist season so far have been exceptionally good, and Minister Glavina pointed out that Croatia is increasingly positioning itself as a year-round destination that attracts visitors throughout all seasons. The importance of balancing price and service quality was particularly emphasized as a key element of the competitiveness of Croatian tourism in the international market. Further development will be crucially based on cooperation between all stakeholders and the implementation of strategies that support green and digital transitions, achieving sustainable growth and development of the sector.

Minister Glavina concluded that the challenges facing tourism are significant, but with proper cooperation and inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, Croatia has the potential to become one of the leading destinations for sustainable tourism in Europe. All steps taken are aimed at maintaining the quality of life of local communities and ensuring that tourism in Croatia is long-term sustainable, high-quality, and balanced.


Czas utworzenia: 15 października, 2024

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