Retirement travel: a new era of adventure in 2024

Retirement travel: why American retirees in 2024 are choosing adventure and relaxation over boredom during their golden years

The year 2024 brings a new dimension to retirement for thousands of Americans, with most planning to travel more than ever before. From domestic destinations to exotic getaways, retirees are seeking experiences that offer both adventure and relaxation

Retirement travel: why American retirees in 2024 are choosing adventure and relaxation over boredom during their golden years
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

IHG Hotels & Resorts recently released the results of a survey examining the travel habits of retirees in the United States, which revealed that 2024 will be a year of intense travel for many of them. At a time when an average of 11,000 Americans celebrate their 65th birthday every day, many are opting for so-called "retirement reinvention," where travel becomes a key component of their new life phase.

The survey conducted by IHG and Talker Research found that 60% of surveyed retirees plan to change their lifestyle upon entering retirement, while 40% have already planned or undertaken a dream trip to mark this transition. Moreover, the majority of respondents (59%) plan to travel more than they did during their working years. This trend is not just a result of a desire for adventure but also reflects a growing need for relaxation and a change of scenery.

Increased demand for wellness travel
Alongside this trend, research shows that more travelers, including retirees, are seeking trips that emphasize wellness aspects, such as quality sleep and relaxation. Hilton's annual reports indicate that wellness will be a key element in the travel industry in 2024. Retirees, now free from work obligations, seek vacations that allow them to revitalize through stays in nature, relaxation in thermal springs, or simply enjoying peace and quiet. These trends are prompting hotels and resorts to tailor their offerings to the specific needs of older travelers.

Expansion of destinations and special offers
IHG Hotels & Resorts is responding to these changes by offering special deals for retirees, including discounts for those over 62 years old. Additionally, IHG offers experiences that combine luxury and adventure, such as creating your own perfume in France, zipline adventures in North Carolina, and swimming with rays in the Maldives. These offers are designed to meet the needs of retirees who want more than traditional vacations, allowing them to explore new hobbies and interests.

The range of destinations is also expanding, with the most popular destinations within the USA, Europe, and North America. However, there is a particularly interesting trend of increased interest in less-explored locations, such as Antarctica or remote parts of Asia. Travel agencies and hotel chains are seizing this opportunity to develop specialized tours and itineraries that cater to the growing interest in exotic and unusual destinations.

Changes in global travel preferences
In addition to American retirees, there has also been a rise in travel spending among European and Asian travelers. McKinsey research indicates that by 2030, there will be a significant increase in travel from countries like India and Southeast Asia, further fueling the development of the global travel industry. These changes in market sources represent an opportunity for hotels and resorts to expand their offerings and adapt them to new travel segments.

This new wave of retiree travel not only drives industry growth but also redefines what it means to be retired in the 21st century. While previous generations often associated retirement with a more tranquil lifestyle, today's retirees are using this time to discover new experiences, adventures, and personal growth. IHG Hotels & Resorts, along with other major players in the industry, is ready to embrace this change, offering travelers the opportunity to make the most of their golden years.


Czas utworzenia: 03 września, 2024

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