Creski semenj, a manifestation with a tradition dating back to 1543, will once again bring the old town of Cres to life from August 5 to 7. During these days, the streets and squares become the center of socializing, while the fair of indigenous products offers visitors the opportunity to purchase unique products crafted by hardworking local producers and guests from various parts of Croatia.
Visitors, exploring the streets of Cres, will discover interesting outdoor exhibitions, get to know the rich history and tradition of the island better, and visit the fair of indigenous products. Events include tournaments, a raffle, tastings of local gastronomic specialties, and entertainment with performances by musical groups such as TBF, Insula, klapa Teha and Burin, group Versi, jazz evenings, and PachaMama Street Connection.
The rich history of Creski semenj
Creski semenj, traditionally associated with the feast of Our Lady of the Snows, was first documented in the Decree of the Republic of Venice on August 14, 1543. At that time, the fair lasted a week, and the products brought to Cres for sale were exempt from taxes. Throughout history, the fair was regulated by an imperial bull of Franz Joseph in 1828 and continued until World War II. The tradition was restored in the 1990s, and today Creski semenj marks the peak of summer events on the island. Visitors can expect numerous concerts, tournaments, a rich raffle, exhibitions, and presentations, with the central event being the fair of indigenous products on the Promenade of April 20.
The fair is an opportunity to showcase the history and tradition of Cres. Visitors will enjoy exhibitions of historical artifacts such as demijohns, wooden barrels, casks, pots, and old tools. These outdoor exhibitions are possible thanks to the participation of local residents who have lent their items so that guests can better understand the heritage of Cres. This year, an exhibition of old Cres postcards will be set up in collaboration with the Cres Museum, along with an exhibition dedicated to old Cres words and songs.
Authentic product fair
The central event of Creski semenj is the fair of indigenous products, which will be held on the Promenade of April 20. The fair will feature numerous local producers and guests from other parts of Croatia, presenting their best products. Along with the fair, visitors will enjoy a concert by the group Versi.
Besides the fair, visitors will have the opportunity to explore the old town of Cres and its Renaissance palaces. The city tower, specially decorated for this occasion, will host an exhibition of ceramics and photography titled "Celestial" by Bojana Vuksanović, with musical performances by Dianora Fučić. On Pjaceta square, on August 5, the Frane Petrić elementary school will perform the play "Better to lose a village than tradition," showcasing old Cres customs. Over the following days, August 6 and 7, visitors will enjoy performances by accordionists led by Edo Flego and friends.
Renaissance and cultural events
A workshop titled "Lavender Fairies" organized by Creska Ruta will be held at Pjaceta square, where visitors will learn more about sorting and felting wool. Felting workshops for fragrant lavender flowers will be held every day at 8:00 PM.
Moise Palace, the largest palace in Cres, will open its doors for guided tours in collaboration with the University of Rijeka. Over the three days, visitors can participate in guided tours starting at 8:00 and 9:00 PM. The palace will also host the exhibition "Homage to Cres – Nenad Martić" and jazz evenings with performances by Filip Flego, Vanja Čerić, and Boris Šargonja. Arsan Palace, home to the Cres Museum, will open its doors to visitors who want to view the exhibitions "Heraldic Cres" and "Three Stories of Arsan Palace."
On the square in front of the Cres Museum, part of the "Renaissance on Cres" program will include a musical performance by Dario Sobol, and on Tuesday, August 6, the traditional Trilja game will be held. In front of the city administration building, a Renaissance palace, a program dedicated to island folklore – Orlec folklore, will be held, with performances by Mario Mužić and Toni Fučić on the meh.
Costumed tours and workshops
Throughout the event, visitors can join costumed guided tours through the history of Cres. The tours start at 8:00 PM in front of the city loggia, while the city loggia on August 6 and 7 will host art workshops "Craft & Wine" organized by Crearta. The workshops will combine historical motifs of Cres, creativity, and premium wines, and due to the limited number of participants, prior registration is required.
Mali Mandrać, home to traditional wooden boats from this year, will be the site of a sailing event in the Cres harbor on the evening of August 5. On Cons square, children will be entertained by an old-fashioned carousel and blacksmith, while on August 5 and 6, the atmosphere will be further enhanced by PachaMama Street Connection.
Sport and music
On the eve of the Fair, the monastery of St. Francis will host a klapa concert on August 4 on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, featuring klapas Teha and Burin. The Creski semenj will be opened by Mayor Marin Gregorović on August 5, with a gathering with citizens after the solemn mass in front of the church of St. Mary the Great.
Sports activities include competitions organized by Cres sports associations and clubs. The best competitors will be awarded recognitions and medals on August 7 at 8:30 PM at Frane Petrić Square. Tournaments in basketball, chess, sailing, fishing for children, and briškula and trešeta will be an opportunity for fun and socializing.
On Wednesday, August 7, starting at 9:00 PM at Frane Petrić Square, a raffle organized by the Cres Pensioners' Association will take place, with generous prizes.
Entertainment program and organization
The musical program will be led by the group Insula, performing on August 5, the popular TBF on August 6, and the raffle and performance by klapas Teha and Burin on August 7. The event organizer is the Cres Tourist Board with the support of the City of Cres and the Kvarner Tourist Board. Through this event, Cres continues its proud display of cultural heritage and contemporary entertainment, blending history and present in a way that attracts both domestic and foreign visitors.
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Czas utworzenia: 01 sierpnia, 2024