Summer program in Poreč: movie nights under the stars and a musical spectacle at Trg Slobode delight visitors

This summer, Poreč is becoming the center of cultural events with a unique outdoor program. Movie nights by the sea and energetic musical performances attract visitors of all generations, creating an unforgettable experience.

Summer program in Poreč: movie nights under the stars and a musical spectacle at Trg Slobode delight visitors
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The city beach in Poreč last Friday once again became a place of cinematic experience under the open sky. The "Visions of the Streets" program attracted numerous visitors, giving them the opportunity to enjoy a unique movie night under the starry sky. This time, the focus was on the biographical story of Elvis Presley, one of the most influential musicians of all time, directed by the renowned director Baz Luhrmann.

A special atmosphere was created thanks to the combination of summer breeze, the sound of waves, and cinematic magic. Such events, which combine culture and natural beauty, are becoming increasingly popular among film art lovers, and the "Visions of the Streets" program has already gained a loyal audience.
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Elvis Presley on the big screen
The biographical film about Elvis Presley, directed by Baz Luhrmann, managed to captivate the audience with its visual style and emotional power. The film depicts the life and rise of the legendary musician, from his humble beginnings to worldwide fame. With music that defined an entire era, the audience had the chance to enter the world of Elvis Presley and feel a part of what made him so special.

"Visions of the Streets" continues its program next week when on August 30th, the movie about Whitney Houston "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" will be on the schedule. This event offers a perfect opportunity for all music and film lovers to enjoy another evening filled with unforgettable moments.

Music spectacle at Freedom Square
Saturday brought a new dose of excitement to Poreč's Freedom Square, where the "Sounds of the Streets" music program was held. The combination of DJ Maestro, one of the most famous DJs from Amsterdam, and Jakša Jordes, a renowned Croatian saxophonist, created a dynamic and energetic atmosphere that filled the streets of the old town.
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DJ Maestro, known for his unique music sets that combine different genres like jazz, soul, Latin jazz, disco-funk, and house rhythms, once again showed why he enjoys the status of one of the most sought-after DJs on the scene. His ability to merge different musical styles ensured an unforgettable experience for all present.

On the other hand, Jakša Jordes, with his virtuosity on the saxophone, further enriched the music evening. His improvisations, which perfectly blended into Maestro's sets, created a special sound collage that echoed through the streets of Poreč. Jordes, who has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the world of house music during his career, once again confirmed his status as one of the most respected musicians on the international scene.

This musical duo demonstrated that music has the power to connect people of different tastes and create a unique dance atmosphere. The combination of DJ Maestro's rhythms and Jakša Jordes' saxophone improvisations created an unforgettable evening that will remain in the memory of all present for a long time.

For more information about upcoming programs and screenings as part of Poreč Summer, visit:

You can view the photo gallery of the event at this link:

Recommended accommodation nearby:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 August, 2024
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