Winter at the Trsat Castle brings the magic of light and spectacular advent moments

Discover the magical atmosphere of "Winter on Gradina" where the historic walls of the Trsat Castle shine with thousands of lights, with a rich program, a fire show and facilities for all generations.

Winter at the Trsat Castle brings the magic of light and spectacular advent moments
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Trsat Castle, situated on a hill above Rijeka, becomes the center of holiday ambiance every year during Advent, attracting visitors from all over Croatia and abroad. This year, on November 29, 2024, at 6 PM, the traditional event "Winter at Gradina" begins with the ceremonial lighting of holiday lights, thereby opening the season of Advent events at this historic site.

The Magic of Light on Historic Walls

Trsat Castle, with its rich history dating back to the 13th century, becomes a stage for thousands of light installations during Advent that illuminate its walls and courtyards. This light magic creates a unique atmosphere that combines historical heritage with modern holiday spirit, providing visitors with an unforgettable visual experience.

Spectacular Fire Show

In addition to light installations, visitors can expect a fire show that combines LED technology and pyrotechnic elements. This dynamic performance will further warm the cold winter evenings, providing the audience with excitement and delight. Such programs have become the trademark of "Winter at Gradina," attracting art and entertainment lovers of all generations.

Gastronomic Offerings and Warm Beverages

A stroll along the illuminated paths of Trsat Castle is complemented by a rich gastronomic offer. Visitors can enjoy a variety of warm beverages, such as mulled wine and hot chocolate, as well as traditional holiday delicacies that satisfy different tastes. This combination of visual and culinary experiences makes a visit to "Winter at Gradina" a complete experience for all senses.

Programs for Children and Families

Special attention is given to the youngest and families. Interactive installations, creative workshops, and entertaining programs are designed to stimulate children's imagination and create unforgettable memories. Children have the opportunity to participate in making Christmas decorations, listen to stories about holiday traditions, and interact with characters from fairy tales, further enriching their Advent experience.

Musical Performances and Cultural Programs

During "Winter at Gradina," numerous musical performances are organized, ranging from classical concerts to modern performances, catering to various musical tastes. Cultural programs include exhibitions, theater performances, and performances by local artists, further enriching Rijeka's cultural offerings during the holidays.

Access and Information for Visitors

Trsat Castle is easily accessible to visitors, and a special transportation service is organized during Advent to facilitate arrival. Admission to most programs is free, while certain events require tickets. Detailed information about the program and schedule of events is available on the organizers' official websites.

A visit to "Winter at Gradina" offers a unique opportunity to experience holiday magic in a historic setting, creating memories that will last long after the holiday lights fade. Every moment spent at Trsat Castle during Advent brings a special experience and the warmth of the holiday spirit.

Czas utworzenia: 28 listopada, 2024
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