Events and exhibitions in Novi Vinodolski

Diverse August in Novi Vinodolski: events, concerts and art exhibitions in a rich program for all generations of visitors

Novi Vinodolski in August offers a wide range of events, including the celebration of Victory Day and Homeland Thanksgiving, the traditional Okolotorno, the exhibition "Slana" and the José Butorac concert, enriching the cultural and social offer of the city.

Diverse August in Novi Vinodolski: events, concerts and art exhibitions in a rich program for all generations of visitors
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Novi Vinodolski in August offers a diverse range of events that enrich the cultural and social life of the city. From festive events to art exhibitions, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a rich program.

Celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day
Novi Vinodolski marked the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders on August 5th with a ceremonial program. This important date, which celebrates the liberation of Croatia during the Homeland War, was complemented by the unveiling of a monument dedicated to Croatian defenders. In addition, a concert by Prljavo kazalište attracted a large number of visitors, creating a sense of unity and pride among those present.

Traditional Okolotorno in the Old Town
The Okolotorno event was held on August 7th in the Old Town of Novi Vinodolski. This event offers a rich cultural program that includes musical performances, art exhibitions, and numerous activities that allow visitors to experience the authentic spirit of the old town. The performance by Klapa Kala in front of the church further enriched the atmosphere, attracting both locals and tourists.

"Slana" Exhibition at the Turnac City Gallery
From August 9th to 22nd, art lovers can visit the drawing exhibition "Slana" by artist Jadranka Lacković at the Turnac City Gallery. The exhibition showcases the works of this talented artist, who is known for her ability to convey deep emotions and intimate moments through her drawings. Her works provide a unique insight into the world of imagination and creativity, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in her artistic world.

Vinodolski Dreams and Sails of Vinodol Event
Friday, August 9th, is reserved for the second edition of the Vinodolski Dreams event, which will take place on the Obala Kneza Branimira. Visitors will enjoy a wide range of activities, including a fashion show by local designers, culinary delights of local cuisine, and music and dance workshops. On the same day, in the morning, the City Port will host the Sails of Vinodol event. This event offers a unique opportunity to sail with an expert crew through the beautiful channel, which will surely attract sea and sports enthusiasts.

A Weekend Full of Music and Tradition
Saturday, August 10th, brings a series of musical events to the city center. Trio Tremolo will fill the evening with music, while the Klenovarska Night Fisherman's Feast in Klenovica, featuring Trio Family, will attract visitors eager for good fun and seafood delicacies. The Jasmin Filipović Memorial, which was to be held at the small sports field, has unfortunately been canceled due to technical difficulties, but visitors can still look forward to a rich program.

Sunday Concert by Joso Butorac
At the end of the week, on Sunday, August 11th, Joso Butorac will hold a concert at the Precrikva location. Known as the Nightingale of Novi, Butorac attracts a large audience with his exceptional vocal abilities and emotional performances. The concert is expected to create an unforgettable atmosphere and provide a perfect musical experience to end the weekend.

Visitors are warmly invited to attend these events and enjoy the rich cultural and entertainment program that Novi Vinodolski offers in August together with the local population.


Czas utworzenia: 08 sierpnia, 2024

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