During the past weekend, intensive traffic controls were carried out in the area of the Lika-Senj Police Department aimed at increasing road traffic safety. These preventive-repressive actions aimed to sanction offenses such as speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as not using seat belts.
Police controls recorded a total of 44 offenses, of which the most numerous were speeding violations (34), followed by driving under the influence of alcohol (2), and not using a seat belt (10). The highest blood alcohol concentration was measured in a 42-year-old man from Gospić, who was found to have a blood alcohol level of 1.94 g/kg during a control on Saturday, August 31st.
It is important to note that numerous traffic accidents were also recorded during the weekend. A total of 13 accidents were reported in the Lika-Senj Police Department area, two of which resulted in injuries, while the others ended with material damage. Notably, an accident occurred on the state road D8, near Karlobag, where a 24-year-old Austrian citizen, driving a motorcycle, due to inappropriate speed, hit a rock and a traffic sign, sustaining serious bodily injuries. This accident once again emphasizes the need for additional caution on the roads, especially on challenging sections like the road through Velebit.
Additionally, traffic accidents were recorded in the areas of Otočac, Novalja, Korenica, and Gospić, where injured persons sustained minor bodily injuries. Material damage, although without injured persons, was reported in several other accidents that occurred in the areas of Senj, Korenica, Otočac, and Karlobag.
The police appeal to all road users to adhere to traffic regulations and adjust their speed to road conditions. Special attention is given to weekends when traffic density is higher due to the increased number of tourists and local residents traveling. The introduction of preventive-repressive measures, such as increased speed controls and alcohol testing, is part of efforts to reduce the number of traffic accidents and increase the safety of all road users.
In addition to the aforementioned activities, the police conducted a criminal investigation that resulted in the arrest of a 49-year-old man from the Gospić area on suspicion of stealing timber from the Raduč forest area. This case further highlights the continuous efforts of the police to maintain order and safety in the community, not only through traffic controls but also through active investigations of other criminal offenses.
Hora de creación: 02 septiembre, 2024