Commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the Logistics Training and Doctrine Center in Požega: the importance and role of this key institution for the Croatian Army

In the barracks of the 123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army in Požega, the 19th anniversary of the Logistics Training and Doctrine Center was ceremoniously marked. Alongside numerous guests, the crucial role of this unit in training and logistical support to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia was emphasized

Commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the Logistics Training and Doctrine Center in Požega: the importance and role of this key institution for the Croatian Army
Photo by: A. Mijoković/ hr

At the barracks of the 123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army in Požega, on October 10, 2024, the 19th anniversary of the Training and Doctrine Center for Logistics was ceremoniously marked, a key institution for training and developing the logistical capacities of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. This significant event brought together numerous high-ranking officials from the military and civilian sectors, further confirming the importance of the Center as a strategic element in supporting operational forces.

In his commemorative speech, Brigadier General Ivan Raos, Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the Support Command, reflected on the achievements of the Center over the past 19 years and emphasized that it was precisely the professionalism and dedication of the staff of this institution that enabled its continuous development. Alongside Brigadier General Raos, the Commander of the Center, Brigadier Mile Valentić, also addressed the attendees, particularly highlighting the role of the Center in educating personnel in the fields of construction, technical, supply, transportation, and healthcare logistics, which includes not only members of the Croatian Armed Forces but also foreign military personnel from partner countries.

Over the years, the Center has undergone significant changes, from its humble beginnings in May 1992 when the Center for Training Soldiers was established in Požega, to its current form. Today, in addition to providing training for soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers, the Center is equipped with modern techniques and tools for training in logistical operations and operates within the framework of the Support Command. Its role is multifaceted – from education on handling new weapon systems and logistical resources to the implementation of new logistics support doctrines.

During the ceremony, awards and accolades were also presented to the most deserving staff, and at the memorial site for fallen members of the 123rd Brigade of the Croatian Army, wreaths were laid, and candles were lit in memory of those who laid down their lives for their homeland. This emotional moment was further emphasized by a mass led by military chaplain Željko Volarić.

Among the attendees were also the Deputy Mayor of Požega, Borislav Miličević, the Chief of the Požega Police Station, Krunoslav Kokić, as well as representatives of associations stemming from the Homeland War, along with many other high-ranking officials. Their presence underscores inter-sectoral cooperation and support from the local community for military structures.

The Training and Doctrine Center for Logistics in Požega plays an important role in providing logistical support not only for national defense forces but also for Croatia's participation in international operations under the auspices of NATO and the UN. Over the course of 19 years of operation, this center has become an indispensable factor in military operations that require logistical expertise, from planning and organization to the concrete execution of logistical operations in the field.

The ceremony concluded with a joint gathering of all participants, further emphasizing the shared role of the military and civil society in maintaining the security and stability of our country.

Heure de création: 11 octobre, 2024
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