Lieutenant of the battleship Dino Bucat assumes duty in the operation in support of peace "IRINA" in Rome, the Croatian Navy continues to participate

Lieutenant of the battleship Dino Bucat took over the duty of a staff officer in the operation "EU NAVFOR MED - IRINI" in Rome. Operation IRINI monitors the arms embargo on Libya and prevents the smuggling of oil and human beings, with the support of 24 European countries.

Lieutenant of the battleship Dino Bucat assumes duty in the operation in support of peace "IRINA" in Rome, the Croatian Navy continues to participate
Photo by: HRM/ hr

Dino Bucat, Lieutenant Commander, assumed the role of staff officer in the peace support operation "EU NAVFOR MED - IRINI" in Rome. The rotation took place on July 17, 2024, when Bucat succeeded Antonija Peroš.

Before departure, Bucat was received by Commodore Damir Dojkić, Commander of the Croatian Navy, who expressed confidence in Bucat's abilities to successfully perform his new duties. Bucat previously served as a supply officer at the Command of the Naval Base Split. He graduated from the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split and has been a member of the Croatian Armed Forces since 2009.

The operation "EU NAVFOR MED - IRINI" is a continuation of the mission "EU NAVFOR MED - SOPHIA" which started in 2017. The main task of the operation is to monitor the implementation of the arms embargo on Libya, according to UN resolutions. The operation also prevents the smuggling of oil and human beings.

IRINI includes regular inspections of ships in the Mediterranean to ensure compliance with international laws. So far, IRINI has inspected more than 6200 ships and conducted nearly 250 inspections, resulting in the seizure of illegal cargo. It also monitors activities in 16 Libyan ports and 25 airports and has submitted 35 reports to the UN on embargo violations.

The operation IRINI is supported by 24 European countries providing ships, aircraft, and personnel for the mission. Currently, around 600 people are engaged, including two frigates and six aircraft. The European Union Satellite Center (SatCen) in Spain provides crucial support by monitoring activities in the region.

IRINI plays a key role in maintaining stability in the Mediterranean, a strategically important area for international trade and European security. The operation supports peace efforts in Libya by providing training and capacity building for the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy.

Duty of Staff Officer
Lieutenant Commander Dino Bucat assumed his duties in the operation "EU NAVFOR MED - IRINI" in Rome, taking over the tasks from Lieutenant Commander Antonija Peroš during the regular rotation. Bucat previously served as a supply officer at the Command of the Naval Base Split.

Operation IRINI
"EU NAVFOR MED - IRINI" is a mission that monitors the arms embargo on Libya and prevents smuggling. The operation includes inspections of ships in the Mediterranean and monitors activities in Libyan ports and airports, providing crucial support to international law.

Support of European Countries
IRINI receives support from 24 European countries providing ships, aircraft, and personnel. The Satellite Center in Spain provides crucial support by monitoring activities, further strengthening the mission's capabilities in implementing UN resolutions.

Heure de création: 20 juillet, 2024
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