Development of transport infrastructure in the north of Croatia: high-speed roads and railways as the key to economic growth

The development of the transport network in the north of Croatia is gaining momentum with large investments in high-speed roads and railways, ensuring better connectivity and stimulating economic growth.

Development of transport infrastructure in the north of Croatia: high-speed roads and railways as the key to economic growth
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On Monday, October 7, 2024, a significant conference titled "Croatian North: Fast Roads and Railways" was held, organized by the eVaraždin portal, Croatian Roads, HŽ Infrastructures, and the Varaždin County. This event served as a platform to highlight the importance of transportation infrastructure in four northern counties of Croatia. The focus was on the further development and integration of fast roads and railway corridors, which will significantly contribute to better transportation connectivity and economic growth.

The opening of the conference was marked by prominent speeches from the Prefect of Varaždin County, Anđelko Stričak, and the State Secretary in the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Žarko Tušek. Tušek praised the progress in the realization of numerous road projects in the region but also emphasized that a significant investment cycle lies ahead for the region, which will further strengthen the transport network. In the past eight years, 350 million euros have been invested in railway infrastructure in the northern counties, and in the upcoming period, an additional 300 million euros is planned for new projects.

Investments in fast roads and key projects

One of the key projects is the fast road that will connect Varaždin, Ivanec, and Krapina. This project is of exceptional importance as it will enable better connectivity between the northern counties, relieve traffic in urban areas, and enhance the economic connectivity of business zones. State Secretary Tušek pointed out that the first section of this project has already been contracted, and the necessary documentation for the remaining sections has been secured, with further realization planned in the coming years.

The conference also discussed the continuation of the construction of the Podravska Magistrala and the construction of a bypass that will connect Varaždin with Čakovec. Prefect Stričak emphasized that the goal in the next five years is to complete all preparatory work for these projects, which will contribute to faster flows of goods and passengers, not only within Croatia but also towards foreign countries. This infrastructure project encompasses important transport routes that will significantly improve the region's connectivity with the rest of the country and the broader European market.

Railway infrastructure as a priority

While fast roads are at the center of attention, railway projects also play a crucial role in the sustainable development of the region. Žarko Tušek highlighted that railways are becoming an absolute priority, especially in the context of the green transition and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In the coming years, an investment of around six billion euros in railway infrastructure is planned, including the modernization of existing tracks and the construction of new sections, aiming to create an efficient and environmentally friendly transport system.

One of the important projects is the modernization and electrification of the Križevci - Koprivnica - state border section, which is located on the international corridor connecting Hungary with Croatia. This project represents a significant investment effort in terms of modernizing the railway network, enabling faster and safer transport of goods and passengers. Additionally, there are plans for renovation work on the Dugo Selo - Križevci section, with completion expected by the end of 2025.

The future of transportation infrastructure in Northern Croatia

In addition to specific infrastructure projects, the panel discussions at the conference addressed the future of transportation development in Northern Croatia. The need for continuous investment in transportation infrastructure was highlighted to further integrate the region into European transport networks. Modernization of railway crossings and the introduction of advanced safety systems aimed at reducing traffic accident risks are also planned. Alongside all this, participants emphasized the importance of promoting public transport and establishing intermodal systems that would integrate different forms of transport.

The "Croatian North: Fast Roads and Railways" conference brought together numerous experts, representatives of counties, and key state institutions. Among them were the prefects of Varaždin, Međimurje, Krapina-Zagorje, and Koprivnica-Križevci counties, who highlighted common interests and priorities in the construction and modernization of transportation infrastructure. The participation of the president of the management board of Croatian Railways and Croatian Roads further confirmed the importance of these topics for the future economic development of the region.

This conference is a continuation of efforts initiated by last year's "Northern Roads" gathering, and its aim is to define future steps in the development of the transport network. Participants agreed that the proposed projects would significantly contribute to the economic development of Northern Croatia, as well as to improving the quality of life for residents through better transportation connectivity and road safety.

Heure de création: 08 octobre, 2024
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