EU MED-9 leaders discussed migration and crises in the Middle East

Leaders of Mediterranean countries discussed Ukraine, migration, and crises in the Middle East at the EU MED-9 summit in Paphos

Leaders of nine Mediterranean countries gathered in Cyprus to discuss key issues, including conflicts in the Middle East, migration, and support for Ukraine, with Jordan highlighting the importance of stabilizing the region

Leaders of Mediterranean countries discussed Ukraine, migration, and crises in the Middle East at the EU MED-9 summit in Paphos
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At the recent EU MED-9 summit held in Cyprus, leaders of nine Mediterranean EU member states gathered to discuss key regional and global issues. On the agenda were conflicts in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine, as well as migration and climate change issues. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković emphasized the importance of cooperation among Mediterranean countries in addressing challenges such as migration and regional conflicts, with a special focus on de-escalating the conflict in Israel and Palestine. In this context, the participation of Jordanian King Abdullah II further highlighted the diplomatic importance of this forum, given Jordan's key role in maintaining stability in the Middle East.

During the summit, Plenković stressed the need to strengthen European engagement in the region, particularly through humanitarian and diplomatic efforts that include providing assistance to countries affected by conflicts, such as Jordan. The discussion also included talks on financial aid for refugees in Jordan, where more than a million Syrian refugees reside, and necessary infrastructure projects like water desalination to improve the quality of life in that region. On the other hand, Plenković highlighted Croatia's crucial role in these discussions, as the country, being an EU member, is also part of the Mediterranean circle of states directly affected by migration flows.

The issue of Ukraine was also high on the agenda. Plenković reiterated the importance of Croatia's support for Ukraine in its resistance to Russian aggression, emphasizing that Croatia, through its historical experience from the 1990s, is aware of the importance of international solidarity. He stated that Croatia's position remains firm despite differing opinions within the country. “Being on the side of Ukraine means being on the right side of history,” said Plenković. He added that it is sad to see divisions in Croatian politics that, according to him, are fueled by President Zoran Milanović, whose narratives about the conflict often clash with the government's positions.

At bilateral meetings, Plenković discussed strengthening economic and security cooperation between Croatia and other Mediterranean countries, and Croatia will host the next EU MED-9 summit in 2026, further solidifying its position in the region. He also praised the appointment of Dubravka Šuica to a new role in the European Commission, which will enable even greater involvement of Croatia in European efforts in the Mediterranean.

This summit was an opportunity to exchange views on the EU's future steps in the Mediterranean, with a special focus on the economic and security challenges faced by the region. Leaders concluded that it is necessary to strengthen capacities for emergency interventions in cases of natural disasters and migrant crises, with Cyprus proposing an initiative for establishing a regional firefighting center, which would significantly enhance the region's ability to respond to emergencies.

The summit concluded with a joint declaration in which member states reiterated their commitment to strengthening regional cooperation, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the European economy and enhancing the strategic autonomy of the European Union. This includes investing in renewable energy sources, reducing dependence on external suppliers, and increasing capacities for emergency interventions in cases of humanitarian and climate disasters.

As the host, Cyprus demonstrated its important role in regional issues, with a particular focus on climate change, migration, and security challenges. In his closing speech, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides emphasized the importance of regional cooperation in addressing global challenges, stating that the future of the European Union is closely linked to the development and stability of the Mediterranean region.


Czas utworzenia: 12 października, 2024

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