Festival of Lights Zagreb and ecological connectivity in Berlin

Festival of Lights Zagreb: 3D mapping in Berlin highlights environmental awareness and global connectivity

This year, Festival of Lights Zagreb is having a spectacular international promotion at the jubilee Festival of Lights in Berlin, with a 3D screening that explores environmental themes and global challenges.

Festival of Lights Zagreb: 3D mapping in Berlin highlights environmental awareness and global connectivity
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Festival of Lights Zagreb, which has been continuously evolving since its inception in 2017, this year marks a significant international success through its promotion at the 20th Festival of Lights in Berlin. This prestigious event, running from October 4 to 13, 2024, features over 50 light installations spread throughout Berlin. Zagreb is represented in Berlin with a 3D mapping projection titled "We're all connected," which attracted attention at last year's Festival of Lights Zagreb. This artistic installation, emphasizing the urgency of environmental protection, represents an important step in promoting the Croatian capital on the global stage.

In addition to the visual spectacle, the Festival of Lights Zagreb has joined the global initiative Earth Hour, symbolically turning off lights at all its locations for 15 minutes, highlighting the importance of ecological awareness. In collaboration with WWF Adria and the Festival of Lights International, the projection in Berlin explores the impact of human activities on the environment, sending a powerful message about the need for urgent action in protecting natural resources. This collaboration is not only a contribution to the artistic scene but also a call to action in the fight against climate change.

Martina Bienenfeld, director of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb (TZGZ), emphasized the importance of this promotion: "The Festival of Lights Zagreb is continuously growing, not only as an artistic event but also as a platform for spreading ecological awareness. We are proud to be part of this international community of light festivals, alongside cities like Berlin, New York, and many others. Our goal is to connect art with the message of the importance of protecting the environment, and we are delighted to be part of one of the most important locations in Berlin this year."

Berlin, as the host of this major event, has illuminated its most famous landmarks, including the Brandenburg Gate and the Cathedral, which have become a canvas for 3D projections and light installations. The festival in Berlin is known for its spectacular artworks that transform the city into an outdoor stage, and this year's special theme of the festival is "Celebrating Freedom," marking 35 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Artistic collaboration and ecological messages

With the support of WWF Adria, the Festival of Lights Zagreb places a special emphasis on nature conservation and sustainability. The light installations that will be showcased on the streets of Zagreb during the next edition of the festival in March 2025 will include innovative works by artists from Austria, France, Germany, and Croatia. This event brings together creatives from around the world, and the central message remains the same – for people to understand that everyone is connected to nature and that we must work together to protect it for future generations.

The Festival of Lights Zagreb attracts a large number of visitors every year, and in 2024, over 3 million people are expected in Berlin alone. This is an opportunity to present Zagreb in a new light – literally and figuratively – as globally important messages about nature conservation are conveyed through artistic installations. Light connects us, both artistically and ecologically.

In addition to the aforementioned installations, the Zagreb festival will include numerous international partnerships with organizations engaged in environmental protection. The project "We're all connected," showcased this year in Berlin, is one of the best examples of how art can serve as a tool for raising awareness of critical ecological issues.

The Zagreb festival also includes many projects aimed at young generations, empowering awareness of the need to preserve the environment. Alongside numerous international artists, visitors will have the opportunity to witness unique light installations that celebrate nature and its strength. This unique blend of art and ecology highlights Zagreb as a city that leads in promoting sustainability through creative media.

All news and upcoming projects can be followed on the official pages of the Festival of Lights Zagreb.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 Oktober, 2024

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