At the Non-Commissioned Officer School "Damir Tomljanović Gavran" in Požega, a ceremony was held on June 21, 2024, to mark the completion of the 14th generation of the Company First Sergeant Course.
The training of the participants of the Company First Sergeant Course lasted from June 3 to June 21, 2024, and nine participants successfully completed it.
The aim of the course was to systematize existing knowledge and skills and acquire new ones, with the goal of preparing participants for the duties of a company first sergeant. In addition, participants acquired the knowledge needed to implement physical preparedness of individuals and units, as well as to develop standard operating procedures for participation in the planning and preparation of individual training as support for the company's common tasks and mission.
Ceremony marking the completion of the course
The ceremony was attended by the commander of the Non-Commissioned Officer School, Brigadier Stjepan Krešić, the head of the education department, Warrant Officer Slobodan Sambol, the head of the Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Training section, Warrant Officer Marinko Dalić, and the instructors who conducted the training.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juni, 2024
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