Brigadier Damir Barišić participated in an important seminar at the National Defense University of the USA, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from August 19 to 23, 2024. This seminar was crucial for promoting international cooperation and understanding in the context of global security challenges facing the world. About 70 NDU alumni from 40 countries gathered to exchange experiences and strategies for addressing threats such as organized crime, authoritarian regimes, and climate change through discussions, lectures, and workshops.
The Role of NDU in Global Security
Brigadier Barišić emphasized that the National Defense University of the USA enjoys a high reputation for its rigorous and well-developed training program focused on preparing military and civilian personnel to work in complex international environments. This prestigious institution, established by the US Department of Defense, is particularly proud of its alumni who now occupy key positions in military and civilian structures worldwide. From Croatia, distinguished officers such as General Drago Lovrić and Lieutenant General Boris Šerić have been inducted into the NDU International Hall of Fame.
Connecting Through Education
Barišić, who graduated from the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, further emphasized the importance of lifelong education promoted by NDU. Such seminars allow former students to reunite, exchange experiences, and develop new strategies for joint action against threats such as illegal migration, disinformation, and illegal resource exploitation. The seminar in Rio de Janeiro was an opportunity to deepen cooperation among countries and create new partnerships.
The Importance of the Seminar for International Cooperation
This seminar is one of a series of events organized by NDU to maintain active connections among its alumni and encourage international cooperation. Last year's seminar was held in Prague, while the next seminar will be held in Washington D.C. in 2025. Such events allow participants to stay updated on the latest security threats and develop joint responses to them, which is of critical importance in an increasingly unstable global environment.
Brigadier Barišić also emphasized that participation in such a seminar is of invaluable importance for exchanging experiences with colleagues from other countries, especially in the context of the global security situation that requires unity and coordinated action.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 August, 2024
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