At the military training ground "Eugen Kvaternik" in Slunj, on July 11, 2024, the participants of the specialized military training in the Artillery-Rocket Regiment successfully conducted their first combat shooting from 122 mm howitzers.
The Rocket Battalion of the Artillery-Rocket Regiment, as part of the specialized military training for candidates for active military service and retraining for the military specialty of artillery, conducted camping with artillery-rocket shooting at the Slunj training ground this week. The goal of the training is to equip participants for successfully performing the tasks and duties that await them in the future.
Indirect preparatory shooting from 122 mm howitzers was conducted with 20 currently fused projectiles towards a target ten kilometers away. The goal of the conducted shooting was to check the readiness of the participants of the specialized training, soldiers, and non-commissioned officers for the military specialty of artillery, and their performance of prescribed duties and tasks, independently and as part of a team during the preparations and execution of indirect artillery shooting in daytime conditions.
The specialized military training for candidates for active military service in the Artillery-Rocket Regiment lasts 12 weeks. The conducted artillery shooting represents the pinnacle and crowning achievement of the entire training, granting participants the status of full-fledged members of the Regiment. Eight members completed the specialized military training, along with eight more members who retrained.
During their first combat shooting, the new members of the unit demonstrated that they had successfully mastered all their tasks. The unit is focused on raising the level of knowledge and skills of all members. All activities were monitored and supervised by the staff of the Artillery-Rocket Regiment and representatives of the Croatian Army Command.
Preparations for the shooting included detailed planning and coordination to ensure that every member of the unit knew their tasks. Through theoretical and practical exercises, participants acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to handle 122 mm howitzers.
One of the key elements of the training was understanding topographic maps and navigation, enabling precise targeting and successful shooting. Participants were also trained in the use of various types of projectiles and adapting tactical approaches depending on the situation on the ground.
The leadership of the Artillery-Rocket Regiment emphasizes that this shooting demonstrated the high level of readiness and professionalism of the new members. The successfully conducted shooting is the result of long-term preparations and the dedicated work of all involved. The participants showed not only technical readiness but also the ability to work as a team and make quick decisions in stressful situations.
In addition to technical skills, the training included the development of physical fitness, which is crucial for performing tasks in field conditions. Participants underwent intensive physical training to prepare for the challenges ahead.
This success at the military training ground "Eugen Kvaternik" is just the beginning of the careers of the new members of the Artillery-Rocket Regiment. Their dedication and achievements in training lay the foundation for further professional development and contributions to the country's security and defense. All these activities would not have been possible without the support of experienced instructors and the regiment's leadership, who continuously monitored the progress of the participants and provided them with the necessary support.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 13 Juli, 2024
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