The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Defense, Ivan Anušić, met today, June 26, 2024, at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia with the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kosovo, Ejup Maqedonci.
During the meeting, the successful bilateral defense cooperation was confirmed, as well as the possibilities for its expansion in the coming period. They also discussed the security situation in the Southeast Europe region, as well as other global security challenges.
Minister Anušić expressed satisfaction with the meeting, especially with the signing of the Technical Agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kosovo on the education of cadets from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kosovo in the Republic of Croatia at the University of Zagreb's graduate university programs in Military Leadership and Management and Military Engineering.
Support for the education of Kosovar cadets in Croatia
Minister Anušić emphasized that to date, 70 members of the Kosovo Security Forces have completed their education at the Croatian Military Academy 'Dr. Franjo Tuđman'. This agreement confirms the continuation of successful cooperation in the field of military education.
Support for the independence of the Republic of Kosovo
Minister Anušić also emphasized the full support of the Republic of Croatia for the Republic of Kosovo on its path towards membership in Euro-Atlantic integrations.
“I express Croatia's support for the Republic of Kosovo in joining the European Union and NATO, and I particularly strongly support the independence of the Republic of Kosovo and its foreign policy goals, as well as further economic and political cooperation between the two countries,” Anušić said after the meeting with Maqedonci.
He also highlighted the expansion of cooperation in the field of the defense industry.
The ministers confirmed the importance of Croatia continuing to share its experiences with Kosovo in functional areas to support its accession to Euro-Atlantic and regional organizations and initiatives.
Minister Anušić also expressed further support from Croatia regarding the strengthening of capacities and the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kosovo.
Minister Maquedonci on the friendship between Croatia and Kosovo
During the meeting, they also discussed deepening cooperation in the field of economy. Minister Anušić emphasized that it is very important for Croatia and Kosovo to expand economic cooperation not only in the defense industry but also in other sectors.
Minister Ejup Maquedonci expressed satisfaction with the meeting and said: “Minister Anušić has shown that he is a true and sincere friend of the Republic of Kosovo, and I thank Croatia for its strong support to the Republic of Kosovo and the Kosovar people. The people of Kosovo truly appreciate what Croatia is doing.” He also referred to the importance of further participation of members of the Croatian Armed Forces in the NATO KFOR operation in Kosovo.
The position of Croats in Kosovo
Minister Anušić recalled that during the meeting in Priština in March of this year, discussions were held on industrial projects and other activities that can contribute to improving the position of Croats in Janjevo and expressed confidence that work on this will continue.
Minister Maquedonci confirmed that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo recognizes what was highlighted in March and plans further activities to improve the living conditions of Croats in that area.
“Every systematic improvement in the position of the Croatian minority in Kosovo contributes to the greater productivity of the entire society,” said the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, Ivan Anušić.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juni, 2024
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