Regular flight activities of the Croatian Air Force (HRZ) scheduled for September 2 and 3, 2024, will bring increased noise to the areas of Slavonia, Banovina, and Lika, but these activities are only part of a broader picture of modernization and enhancement of Croatia's defense capabilities. The arrival of Rafale fighter jets in the 191st squadron of the HRZ marks an important step in strengthening national security, especially in the context of NATO operational missions.
The first series of six Rafales, which arrived in Croatia at the end of April 2024, has been integrated into the operational forces of the HRZ, while the remaining aircraft are expected by the end of the year, completing the squadron by mid-2025. These aircraft, which initially served in the French Air Force, are equipped with the latest technologies such as AESA radar and METEOR missile systems, significantly enhancing the HRZ's capabilities in monitoring and protecting Croatian airspace.
During regular flight activities conducted as part of this integration, residents of Slavonia, Banovina, and Lika can expect increased noise in time intervals from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM and from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. These activities are crucial for maintaining a high level of readiness and operational capability of Croatian pilots, who have undergone extensive training in France to operate these sophisticated aircraft. The Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia urge citizens to show understanding for the temporary disturbances caused by these exercises, emphasizing that they contribute to the long-term security of the entire country.
The Rafale aircraft represent a significant advancement compared to the outdated Soviet MiG-21s, which Croatian air forces have used for decades. The acquisition of these multirole fighter jets not only ensures improved air defense for Croatia but also enhances interoperability within the NATO alliance, further strengthening Croatia's position in international security structures.
The planned regular flight activity is part of a broader program that includes the modernization and integration of new technologies into HRZ systems. This program not only ensures greater security of Croatian airspace but also contributes to strengthening regional stability, especially in the context of increased military activities in neighboring countries. As Croatia prepares for further phases of modernization, including the arrival of the remaining Rafales, citizens can expect additional flight activities aligned with international safety and operational efficiency standards.
Despite all the challenges that come with the introduction of new technology, HRZ remains committed to its mission of safeguarding Croatia's security and protecting its citizens. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that citizens support these activities, aware of their long-term value for national security.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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