Specialized military training at the Center for Logistics Training and Doctrine has been successfully completed, providing participants with the opportunity to perfect essential skills needed for their future roles in the Croatian Armed Forces. This intensive training, which lasted from July 1 to September 6, 2024, included theoretical and practical instruction in traffic, technical, and medical services, and enabled participants to acquire specialized knowledge necessary for effective operation under various operational conditions.
As part of the training program, soldiers went through challenging combat simulation scenarios, practicing proper equipment handling, maintenance of traffic and technical resources, and medical support procedures. In this way, they achieved a high level of operational readiness for future duties. They excelled in all aspects of the training, demonstrating the ability to make quick decisions in crisis situations, which is crucial for their future tasks in combat support.
The training was led by a team of experts from the Center, including Lieutenant Matej Obrovac, who emphasized the importance of achieving the highest level of competency in personal military-professional specialization. The participants showed a high level of commitment and professionalism throughout the training. "All soldiers demonstrated exceptional readiness and achievement, which will enable them to successfully fulfill future tasks within the Armed Forces," stated Obrovac.
One of the participants, soldier Klara Garić, highlighted the significance of the medical training that was part of the program. She became familiar with procedures for providing first aid and treating casualties, especially in field conditions. Garić expressed gratitude to the instructors, especially Corporal Miroslav Rukavina, for their contribution to the quality of the training and the knowledge imparted.
At the end of the training, participants were presented with Certificates of Completion for the specialized training, and were officially assigned to their duties within various units of the Croatian Armed Forces. This type of training not only allows soldiers to grow professionally but also increases the overall combat readiness of entire units, thereby directly contributing to the security and defense of the country.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 September, 2024
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