Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea opened in Zadar: an important step to strengthen bilateral relations

With the opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Zadar, a new cycle of strengthening economic, cultural and tourist ties between Croatia and South Korea has begun, further supporting cooperation and mutual understanding between the two countries.

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea opened in Zadar: an important step to strengthen bilateral relations
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Zadar: a new bridge of cooperation between Croatia and South Korea

In a solemn ceremony held in Zadar, the Republic of Korea has opened its third honorary consulate in Croatia, with consular jurisdiction over the Zadar and Lika-Senj counties. Leading the consulate is Zoran Horvat, president of the Croatian-Korean Business Club, known for his long-term engagement in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.

Strengthening bilateral relations

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Croatia, His Excellency Hong Sung-wook, emphasized that the opening of this consulate symbolizes the deepening of friendship and cooperation between the two nations. He recalled last year's meeting of the prime ministers of the two countries in Zagreb, where an agreement was made to strengthen bilateral relations and trade exchanges. The Ambassador highlighted that the establishment of the consulate will facilitate travel and business for Korean citizens and open new opportunities for cooperation.

Tourist potential of the Zadar County

The County Prefect of Zadar, Božidar Longin, expressed his satisfaction that Zadar was chosen as the seat of the honorary consulate. He noted that in the first ten months of this year, over 25,000 Korean tourists visited the Zadar county, which attests to the region's popularity among Korean travelers. Longin expressed his conviction that the work of the consulate will further strengthen the ties between Korea and the two counties.

Natural beauties of the Lika-Senj County

The County Prefect of Lika-Senj, Ernest Petry, emphasized the importance of his county, which encompasses natural beauties such as the Plitvice Lakes and the Northern Velebit. Petry highlighted that the opening of the consulate represents an opportunity to strengthen economic and cultural ties and to open the doors to new investments and projects.

Prospects of economic cooperation

The Mayor of Zadar, Branko Dukić, welcomed the new economic collaborations and friendships that the opening of the consulate will facilitate. The city of Zadar, known for its history and hospitality, is becoming a center of new opportunities for connecting the two countries.

Economic cooperation between Croatia and South Korea

The opening of the honorary consulate in Zadar comes at a time when economic cooperation between Croatia and South Korea is experiencing significant growth. According to data from the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian exports to South Korea have increased by 30 percent in the past year, contributing to a total trade exchange of 85 million dollars in 2023. This growth is the result of increased interest from Korean companies in investing in Croatia, especially in the sectors of technology, tourism, and infrastructure.

Tourism exchange and cultural connection

Tourism exchange between the two countries is also on the rise. Croatia has become a popular destination for Korean tourists, with over 400,000 visitors from South Korea in 2019. This trend continues even after the pandemic, with a growing number of Korean tourists visiting Croatian coasts and cultural landmarks. The opening of the honorary consulate in Zadar will further facilitate the arrival of Korean tourists and provide them with the necessary consular support during their stay.

Educational and cultural cooperation

In addition to economic and tourism cooperation, Croatia and South Korea are developing educational and cultural ties. Universities from both countries have established exchange programs for students and professors, contributing to better understanding and strengthening of friendly relations. Cultural events, such as exhibitions, film festivals, and concerts, further enrich mutual understanding and respect between the two nations.

The opening of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Zadar represents an important step in strengthening bilateral relations between Croatia and South Korea. This move not only symbolizes the deepening of friendship and cooperation but also opens new opportunities for economic, tourism, and cultural development. Given the current growth in cooperation, the future of relations between the two countries looks bright and full of potential.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 21 November, 2024
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