Intense election race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for President of the United States in 2024

The 2024 US presidential election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is taking place in a tense atmosphere, with millions of voters at polling stations across the country.

Intense election race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for President of the United States in 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Intense election race for the president of the USA in 2024

In the United States today, key presidential elections are taking place between the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and the Republican candidate Donald Trump. These elections represent one of the most tense moments in modern American political history, with millions of voters turning to the polls across the country. Poll data indicates an exceptionally tight race, with minimal differences between candidates, suggesting a prolonged and very uncertain night for all involved in the electoral process.

From the moment the first polls opened in the Eastern states, millions of Americans decided to exercise their right to vote. Polls opened across the nation, and long lines at locations like New York, Atlanta, and Chicago show a high level of citizen participation in this crucial democratic process. Kamala Harris, the first female vice president of the USA, is trying to achieve a historic success and become the first female president of the United States. On the other hand, former president Donald Trump is attempting to win another term, despite the controversies that have followed his previous term.

Kamala Harris and her strategy for winning voter trust

Kamala Harris, the current vice president, has emphasized fundamental rights for Americans, fighting climate change, healthcare, and minority rights during her campaign. Harris has visited almost all the states, with a special focus on so-called "swing states" like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where votes are counted with great attention until the last moment. These states are crucial in the election race as they bring the most electoral votes that can determine the final winner.

This year, Kamala Harris's campaign heavily relied on young voters, resulting in a large number of volunteers who were engaged both in the field and online. In addition, Harris has openly spoken about issues such as educational reform, police accountability, and social justice, trying to secure the support of progressive voters. Analysts believe that young voters could be a decisive factor in her fight against Trump, as turnout among young people has become a key issue during this election.

Donald Trump: return to the political scene with a promise to strengthen national security

Donald Trump, the former president, has run a vigorous campaign focusing on traditional Republican values, the economy, and national security. His message has once again centered on “America First,” a slogan that dominated during his first term. Trump's campaign focused on voters from rural areas, as well as the working class that experienced significant economic hardships during the pandemic. Trump has also paid significant attention to states like Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia, where polls showed tight results.

As in previous elections, Trump has been very active on social media, using various platforms to reach his supporters and further mobilize the electorate. His approach has been direct, often confrontational, making him extremely controversial but also very popular among certain voter circles. During the campaign, Trump focused on the issue of illegal immigration, energy independence, and tax reduction. His supporters see him as a leader who will bring America back on the right track, while his critics argue that his policies lead to polarization and division in society.

Anxiety and uncertainty on election day

Americans are facing significant uncertainty on election day, as numerous polls indicated a possible tied result. Voters are divided on many issues, including the economy, healthcare, climate change, and foreign policy. The question of safe elections has also attracted great attention, as numerous incidents of attempted disinformation via social media were recorded in the run-up to the elections.

A large number of voters opted for early voting by mail, which could significantly affect the speed of results processing. Experts have warned that the results are unlikely to be known immediately after the polls close, and the process could take several days. This adds to the anxiety surrounding these elections, as both sides are already announcing possible challenges to the results if the outcome is not in their favor.

Exit polls and analysis of politicians

According to the first exit polls, the results are incredibly tight. In some key states, the difference between the two candidates is less than one percent, meaning that every vote could be crucial. Political analysts believe that voters who have not previously expressed their opinions, as well as those who decided at the last moment who to vote for, are of great importance for the final outcome. The stakes are enormous, as the new president of the United States has the task of not only restoring citizens' trust in institutions but also dealing with the challenges of global changes, including climate change, economic recovery, and stabilizing relations with international partners.

Supporters of Kamala Harris hope that her approach to social reforms, as well as her emphasis on unity and progressive politics, will be strong enough to attract a wide base of voters. On the other hand, Trump's supporters believe that his energy, determination, and promise to strengthen the economy are what will make America great again. The atmosphere in the country is tense, and everyone is listening for the final results that will determine the direction in which the USA will move in the coming years.

As has been the case in previous elections, this election has polarized the United States more than ever. Issues such as economic equality, racial tensions, immigration, and national security continue to dominate American political discourse. Regardless of who emerges as the winner from this election, it is clear that the new president will face the challenge of reuniting the nation and restoring trust in the political system, which will undoubtedly be an extremely difficult task.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 November, 2024
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