Minister Anušić participated in the celebration of the Day of the City of Vinkovci and the feast of St. Elijah, emphasized the importance of historical heritage and the future of young people

Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić participated in the ceremonial session of the City Council of Vinkovci on the occasion of the Day of the City and the feast of St. He emphasized the importance of Vinkovci in the Homeland War and the importance of investing in the future of young people.

Minister Anušić participated in the celebration of the Day of the City of Vinkovci and the feast of St. Elijah, emphasized the importance of historical heritage and the future of young people
Photo by: MORH/ J. Kopi/ hr

The envoy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić, attended the ceremonial session of the City Council of the City of Vinkovci on July 19, 2024, on the occasion of the city's Day and the feast of St. Elijah.

Congratulating the city's Day, Anušić conveyed the greetings of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, to those gathered in the City Theater "Joza Ivakić" and wished further development of Vinkovci and Vukovar-Srijem County.

Minister Anušić emphasized his connection with Vinkovci, where he spent part of his life, and recalled the time of the Homeland War. He pointed out that this period should never be forgotten. "Vinkovci played a key role in the creation of the Croatian state. The time of the Homeland War, the heroic struggle of Vinkovci, and the defense of eastern Croatia, Srijem, Slavonia, Baranja, and the whole of Croatia should never be forgotten and should always be mentioned," said Anušić.

The minister also highlighted the rich historical and cultural heritage of Vinkovci, a city that has been continuously inhabited for eight thousand years. In the context of this continuous development, the minister emphasized numerous successful projects that accompany this year's celebration of the city's Day.

"Today, we are here marking the city's Day thanks to the mayor and his team, Vukovar-Srijem County, the Government of the Republic of Croatia and ministers, as well as all of us who have been working for the past thirty years, since the independence of the Republic of Croatia, on creating better conditions for future generations, especially for young people and our children," added Anušić.

Anušić emphasized the importance of investing in the future and young people, stressing that they represent the future of our country. "Young people will take over the leadership of this city, county, and the entire Republic of Croatia in the future. Therefore, our role, as current leaders, is crucial. The mayor, heads of municipalities, ministers, county governors, and the prime minister, all have a responsibility towards the future. The burden is great on us, but thanks to knowledge, work, and mutual assistance, we successfully carry it," said Anušić.

The ceremonial session was also attended by a Member of Parliament, the mayor of Vinkovci Ivan Bosančić, the president of the County Assembly of Vukovar-Srijem County Dražen Milinković, representatives of local and regional self-government, and other guests. During the session, awards and recognitions of the City of Vinkovci were presented to prominent individuals and companies.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 Juli, 2024
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