Yesterday, in the morning hours, at the Otočac toll station on the A-1 motorway, a traffic accident occurred in which a driver under the influence of alcohol caused material damage, but fortunately, there were no injuries. This event once again reminds us of the serious consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol, which is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents in Croatia.
The driver, a 68-year-old from Zagreb, was operating the vehicle with 2.09 per mille of alcohol in his blood. At the moment of losing control, the car collided with the toll booth barrier and then crashed into the guardrail. Despite significant material damage, the driver did not suffer injuries but was detained by the police and placed in a special room until the alcohol evaporated from his system. The driver faces a misdemeanor procedure, and according to traffic safety law, driving with such a level of alcohol carries high fines, and even the possibility of imprisonment for up to 60 days.
Statistics from 2024 show that alcohol and excessive speed are major causes of traffic accidents in Croatia. Only during the first seven months of this year, 621 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol were recorded, of which 105 drivers caused traffic accidents. Additionally, during the same period, more than 697 accidents were recorded on Croatian roads, of which three resulted in fatalities, while 221 accidents involved injured persons.
The police warn that even small amounts of alcohol can significantly affect the driver’s reactions and judgments, increasing the risk of accidents. The recommendation for drivers is that, if consuming alcohol, they should leave their vehicle parked and use alternative means of transportation such as walking, public transport, or taxi services. It is also recommended that, in cases where a larger amount of alcohol is planned to be consumed, a designated sober driver should be arranged in advance or that driving be avoided for at least 24 hours after drinking alcohol.
This case is just one of many traffic accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol. It is important to note that penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol can range from 700 to 20,000 kuna, depending on the level of alcohol in the blood, and in some cases, imprisonment may also be imposed. Drivers who repeat the offense face additional sanctions, including the suspension of their driving license for a longer period.
In any case, driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense that endangers not only the driver but also all other road users. Special caution is advised during weekends, when the risk of accidents is higher due to the increased number of drivers consuming alcohol.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 September, 2024
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