Aminess Maravea and Aminess Sirena among the best campsites in Croatia according to ADAC and PiNCAMP

Aminess Maravea Camping Resort and Aminess Sirena are listed among the top 25 campsites in Croatia according to ADAC's PiNCAMP. The campsites continue the successful tradition of quality and excellent service, attracting thousands of visitors from all over Europe to the unique natural and tourist destination of Istria.

Aminess Maravea and Aminess Sirena among the best campsites in Croatia according to ADAC and PiNCAMP
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Aminess camps in Novigrad, especially Aminess Maravea Camping Resort and Aminess Sirena Campsite, continue to accumulate prestigious awards at the European level. Both camps have once again been listed among the 25 best in Croatia according to PiNCAMP, the ADAC platform dedicated to camping. Aminess Maravea occupies a high sixth place, while Sirena is at fifteenth, thus continuing a long-standing tradition of highlighting quality and premium service that attracts thousands of visitors from all over Europe.

Exclusive themed zones and top-notch amenities

Aminess Maravea Camping Resort encompasses 800 carefully arranged plots and more than 250 mobile homes in five themed villages, among which are Amber Sea Luxury Village by the sea, Miramì Family Village with additional programs for children, and Istrian Premium Village with an organic garden. Each zone provides a special ambiance and amenities that enrich guests' stay, while the newly arranged pools, including an infinity pool on the beach, offer visitors excellent places to relax. Additionally, a new feature from 2023 is the Loop pool complex, designed for all guests wishing to unwind with food and drinks from the Loop restaurant located right next to the pool.

A wide range of sports and entertainment activities

One of the main characteristics of Aminess Maravea Camping Resort is the wealth of sports facilities that attract lovers of active vacationing. Within the camp, there are tennis courts, mini-golf, a multifunctional playground for soccer, basketball, and handball, and cycling paths. Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy the rental of kayaks, pedal boats, and water scooters, while the nearby water park Istralandia is just a few kilometers away and adds to the attractiveness of the location. For the youngest visitors, the Miramì Edutainment Factory offers educational and creative workshops, and in the evenings, entertainment events are held that include musical nights and animation for all ages.

Gourmet delights by the sea and authentic Istrian cuisine

Restaurants and bars in Aminess Maravea Camping Resort offer a wide selection of local specialties and fresh ingredients. Guests can enjoy dining at restaurants like Loop with a show cooking concept and quick refreshments by the pool, or Capa à la carte restaurant by the sea, which offers unique flavors of Istria. On the beach, there is BBQ Point, an ideal spot for grill lovers, while the lounge bar One Second provides a relaxing ambiance with cocktails, perfect for ending the day. This gastronomic offering meets the needs of the most diverse tastes, from family dinners to romantic outings by the coast.

Continuous care for guests and top-tier infrastructure

Guests have access to modern sanitary facilities, laundry rooms, a pet washing area, as well as stores that provide all necessary logistical support during their stay. Besides being known for the quality of accommodation, Aminess Maravea camp also offers a range of additional services that ease guests' stay, including internet access, a children's playground, and fenced zones for pets. Accommodation units, from glamping tents to luxurious mobile homes, enable a personalized experience for different types of guests, creating a perfect ambiance for families, couples, or individual visitors.

Aminess Maravea and Aminess Sirena have continued to set standards in the camping industry, proving why they are the German ADAC's choice for ADAC Superplatz year after year. These Novigrad camps offer unforgettable experiences in the heart of Istria, combining natural beauty, rich amenities, and top-notch service that meets the needs of modern visitors.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 Oktober, 2024
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