Advent in Cres brings holiday magic with a concert of General Danger and a rich program

December on Cres offers a unique holiday atmosphere with thousands of lights, concerts and traditional Cres gastronomy, and the highlight is the concert of the group General Danger on December 29.

Advent in Cres brings holiday magic with a concert of General Danger and a rich program
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

December on the island of Cres turns this beautiful island town into an oasis of holiday magic, where tradition, culture, and entertainment programs intertwine to create an unforgettable experience for all visitors. The holiday atmosphere, filled with thousands of sparkling lights, festive decorations, and the aromas of local specialties, offers activities for all generations, and will be especially interesting for those seeking something different from the busy urban Advent celebrations.

Organizers, the City of Cres and the City of Cres Tourist Board, in cooperation with numerous local associations, institutions, caterers, and volunteers, have prepared a rich program that will last until the last day of December. Special attention is given to families and children, while the highlight of the program consists of concerts, gastronomic presentations, and a series of other events marking the end of another successful year.

Holiday Walk through Cres

The walk through the town of Cres in December is a special story. The historic core of the town, with its stone streets and unique Mediterranean charm, is lit up with thousands of lights. The promenade on April 20th, the central location of the Advent events, has become a meeting place where every day a festive catering offer is available, including mulled wine, homemade cakes, and delicacies prepared by local caterers.

During the walk through the town, visitors will encounter decorated corners with sparkling decorations, where families and friends can enjoy photographing and holiday activities. In addition, Saturdays and Sundays are reserved for the liveliest part of the program, when concerts, performances, and gastronomic workshops will be held.

Concerts and Events for All Generations

The musical part of Advent brings performances by local bands, klapas, and popular performers. A special attraction of this year's program is the concert of the popular rock band Opća Opasnost, which will be held on December 29th on the promenade on April 20th. A large number of visitors from all over Croatia are expected to come and enjoy good music and the holiday atmosphere.

Before that, visitors can enjoy concerts such as the performance of Pacha Mama Street Connection on December 21st, while on December 20th, the band Nos Tres will heat up the atmosphere. These performances cover various genres, from acoustic melodies to modern rhythms that will satisfy all musical tastes.

Programs for Children and Families

The youngest visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy numerous creative workshops and performances. The Girice kindergarten organizes Christmas performances from December 16th to 20th, while the traditional Christmas school performance of the Frane Petrić Primary School will take place on December 18th at 7:00 PM. This is an opportunity for parents and visitors to enjoy the children's performances, which will bring the true holiday spirit to Cres.

A special attraction for children is the Moise Palace, which will become a place for fairy-tale workshops and gatherings with elves, Santa Claus, and Mrs. Claus. Children will be able to participate in making Christmas decorations, 3D cards, and cookies, all in the warm environment of the palace decorated with holiday motifs.

Gastronomic Offer – Smells and Tastes of Cres

Advent on Cres would not be complete without the traditional gastronomic offer, which represents the pride of the island's cuisine. During the weekends, Cres associations will prepare local specialties such as fried fish, maneštra, and fritule. It will be especially attractive on Saturday, December 21st, when the Cres Italian Community, the Osoršćica Mountaineering Society, and the Pešekanke will cook delicacies that visitors can taste for free.

Additionally, a Christmas regatta of traditional boats will be held in Valun, enriching the offer with an interesting program, including a concert and a festive catering offer. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy warm drinks and island flavors while admiring the traditional boats decorating the Valun bay.

Charity and Sports Events

The sports spirit will be present through the Christmas basketball organized by the Cres Basketball Club, while fishing enthusiasts will be able to participate in the Christmas fishing organized by the ŠRD Parangal. These sports competitions connect the local community and visitors in the spirit of holiday solidarity and togetherness.

Christmas Concert and Farewell to the Old Year

On St. Stephen's Day, December 26th, the traditional Christmas concert of the Teha klapa will be held at the Church of St. Mary the Great. The performance of the male and female klapas will bring warmth and harmony of Christmas songs in the ambiance of the Cres church.

Advent on Cres ends on December 31st with the farewell to the Old Year in the main town square at noon. With a musical program, festive sweets, and socializing, visitors will mark the end of December in a special way and prepare for the beginning of the New Year with joy and togetherness.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Dezember, 2024
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