Advent children's game time machine: an exhibition of toys from past generations in the Magic City of Santa Claus

The exhibition "Advent Time Machine of Children's Play" in Varaždin brings a historical overview of toys from the 1950s to the 1970s, allowing visitors of all generations to plunge into the nostalgic world of children's play and enjoy a rich holiday program.

Advent children
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Advent in Varaždin attracts numerous visitors every year with its unique content and the warmth of the Christmas atmosphere, and this year, special emphasis is placed on the exhibition "Advent Time Machine Children's Games". Located in the magical House of Santa Claus within the thematic Magical City of Santa Claus, the exhibition offers a nostalgic look at children's play and toys that marked the childhoods of past generations.

Exhibition that evokes memories

The "Naša djeca" Association of Croatia, the oldest organization dedicated to children's welfare, has presented part of its rich toy collection, which has been gathered and preserved for decades. The collection, dating from the mid-1950s to the 1970s, is the result of the dedicated work of the "Center for Children's Toys," founded in 1995. Throughout its history, the Center has focused on collecting, classifying, and researching toys with the aim of promoting their pedagogical and cultural value.

The exhibited toys come from various sources, and their diversity reflects the spirit of the era from which they originate. Visitors can see moving toys like cars and wooden horses, board games, various puzzles, and traditional toys made from natural materials. Special attention is drawn to handmade items that testify to the creativity and imagination of those who created them. This collection not only tells the story of children's play but also reminds us of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and passing memories on to future generations.

The role of play in children's development

The exhibition conveys a clear message – play is a fundamental aspect of childhood that shapes the child's world, promotes development, and provides opportunities for learning through fun. Pedagogues and psychologists emphasize that the quality of play is crucial for the development of creativity, social skills, and self-confidence in children. This is why the "Naša djeca" Association has been promoting the idea of high-quality toys that enrich children's lives for decades.

Toys from this collection, whether handmade or industrially produced, testify to the changes in society, technology, and the approach to children's play. They provide insight into the lifestyle, social values, and cultural influences of the period from which they originate. Exhibition visitors can thus learn much more than just about the toys – they can understand how times have changed and how each generation contributed to the world of children's joy.

Available to all generations

The special value of this exhibition lies in its accessibility. Visitors of all age groups are invited to come and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere while simultaneously learning about the history of children's play. For many adults, the exhibition will awaken memories of their own childhood, while it will offer children a glimpse into how their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents played. In this way, the exhibition not only connects generations but also raises awareness about the importance of play in children's development.

Christmas magic in Varaždin

The Magical City of Santa Claus, where this unique exhibition is located, is the central place of the Varaždin Advent. In addition to the exhibition, visitors can enjoy various free activities, including workshops for children, Christmas performances, and many other surprises. The Christmas spirit is enriched with a rich gastronomic offer and colorful stands selling local products and souvenirs.

The "Advent Time Machine Children's Games" exhibition will be open until January 6th, giving plenty of time for those interested to visit. Admission is completely free, just like all other activities in the Magical City of Santa Claus. This is an ideal opportunity for families to spend quality time together, enjoying the warmth of the Christmas atmosphere and the rich cultural content.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Dezember, 2024
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