Poreč Summer brings music, art and cultural events: street art festival, concerts, open-air jazz and film evenings

This week's Poreč Summer offers a rich programme of events for all generations. Enjoy music, art, and historical walks. Don't miss Street Art Poreč, concerts at the Euphrasiana, jazz evenings and film screenings under the stars

Poreč Summer brings music, art and cultural events: street art festival, concerts, open-air jazz and film evenings
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Poreč summer continues this week, bringing a series of interesting events that include musical, cultural, and artistic activities. The organizers, the Tourist Board of the City of Poreč and the City of Poreč-Parenzo, have ensured a rich program that will satisfy visitors of different interests and ages.

Music on Square
Tonight, August 20th, starting at 9 PM, Trg slobode becomes the center of a musical evening called "Music on Square." The energetic performance of Summertime Acoustic Duo is expected, performing popular rock, jazz, and blues songs. The atmosphere in the square will be filled with positive vibes, and visitors will be able to enjoy music under the open sky, creating unforgettable memories.
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Street Art Poreč
From August 20th to 25th, Poreč will host the 24th edition of the Street Art Poreč festival, organized by the Public Open University Poreč. This festival annually attracts numerous artists from different parts of the world, who, through their performances, transform the city's streets and squares into true open-air art galleries. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness diverse artistic expressions, from graffiti and street performances to interactive installations, once again confirming Poreč as a city that supports and promotes contemporary art.


Jazz in Lapidarium
For jazz music lovers, Wednesday, August 21st, brings a special event as part of the 29th Jazz in Lapidarium program. At 9 PM, the Lapidarium of the Poreč Native Museum will host the Branimir Gazdik Quintet. The quintet, composed of top musicians, will present original music that blends different styles such as jazz, funk, and Latin, creating a unique "fusion" sound. This concert will be an opportunity to promote their new album, and the audience will be able to enjoy the sophisticated sounds of saxophone, bass guitar, and keyboards, while the rhythm of percussion and drums permeates every tone.

La mula de Parenzo Tours
On Thursday, August 22nd, starting at 10 AM, a free interpretative walk "La mula de Parenzo Tours" is organized. This walk provides a unique opportunity to explore the historical core of Poreč, through the prism of local legends and stories. Participants will have the chance to learn about the city's fishing tradition and find out more about Ernest Hemingway's connection with Poreč. The guided tour also reveals details of the La mula legend, offering new insights and perspectives on the rich cultural heritage of this city. The gathering is in front of the Visitor Center "La mula de Parenzo" at Trg slobode 13, and interested parties can register by phone or email.

Istrian Indigenous Products Fair
On the same day, from 5 PM to 11 PM, Trg slobode will host the traditional Istrian Indigenous Products Fair. Local producers will present their best products, from honey and olive oil to lavender and natural cosmetics. Visitors will be able to taste various cured meats, try different types of flour, and taste wines, brandies, and fruit products. This event provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the rich gastronomic offerings of Istria and support local production.

Visions of the Streets
Friday, August 23rd, brings an unforgettable cinematic experience under the stars as part of the "Visions of the Streets" program. At 9 PM, a spectacular biographical film about Elvis Presley, directed by Baz Luhrmann, will be shown outdoors. This event combines cinematic art with the summer atmosphere, creating the perfect blend for all lovers of the seventh art. Visitors will be able to enjoy a top-notch cinematic experience under the starry sky, making this evening a special experience.

Concerts in Eufrazijana
On Friday, the historic building of the Euphrasian Basilica will host the RHAPSODY GUITAR concert, as part of the "Concerts in Eufrazijana" classical music festival. This concert, produced by the Public Open University Poreč, represents the pinnacle of summer musical events in Poreč. The guitar sounds in the magnificent ambiance of the basilica will provide an unforgettable experience for all lovers of classical music.


Sounds of the Streets Music
Saturday, August 24th, brings another highlight of Poreč summer. At Trg slobode, starting at 9 PM, a unique musical event will be held as part of the "Sounds of the Streets Music" program. DJ Maestro and saxophonist Jakša Jordes will combine their talents to create an unforgettable musical evening. DJ Maestro, known for his compilations for Blue Note, including "Blue Note Trip," has collaborated with music icons like Amy Winehouse, Chaka Khan, and Mario Biondi. His music mixes soul, jazz, Latin jazz, disco-funk, and house, creating unique rhythms that captivate the audience. Jakša Jordes, a renowned Croatian saxophonist, adds a special touch to this event with his energy and virtuosity. Together, they will provide the audience with a musical journey not to be missed.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 August, 2024
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