In the heart of the Dolovo village forest, between Kras and Dobrinja, this weekend begins a unique project that combines family adventure, education, and nature conservation. On the sunny Saturday, December 21st, 2024, nature and adventure lovers of all ages will gather to become part of a legendary story – the construction of the Dragon Village. This spectacular event promises an unforgettable experience for all participants.
Project Inspiration
The Dragon Village is envisioned as a place that will bring people together through joint outdoor activities, encouraging environmental conservation and awakening imagination in both young and old. The goal is to create an attraction that will inspire visitors to appreciate the beauty of forest landscapes and actively participate in their preservation. The project is designed for children and families, but also for anyone who wants to spend a day filled with laughter, learning, and creativity.
What to expect?
The organizers have prepared a rich program that includes various activities:
- Building the Dragon Village – Participants will take part in the construction of the village using natural materials, learning about traditional building techniques.
- Restoring dry stone walls – This activity has ecological and cultural value, and includes learning about the importance of preserving dry stone walls in rural areas.
- Action of marking black spots – Registered participants will help identify polluted areas within the forest, contributing to raising awareness about environmental protection.
- Prize game – The most creative and brave participants will win exciting prizes that will encourage them to continue exploring nature.
- Special equipment – All participants will receive symbolic sticks for “dragon defense,” further enhancing the adventurous spirit of the event.
Who is the event intended for?
The event is primarily designed for children from one to thirteen years old and their parents, but everyone who wants to feel the magic of the forest and joint activities is welcome. This opportunity allows families to explore nature together, develop creativity, and learn valuable ecological lessons.
Location and weather conditions
The Dragon Village is located in the ideal location in the Dolovo forests, accessible via coordinates (45.1154772, 14.6056872). According to meteorologists' forecasts, pleasant weather with a temperature of 8°C is expected, ideal for outdoor activities. Bring comfortable footwear and warm clothing to feel comfortable throughout the day.
Price and registration
The participation fee is 10 euros per person. The number of registrations is limited, so it is recommended to book your place as soon as possible. Registrations can be made via Viber, WhatsApp, or SMS at the number 0923093307, or by sending an email to
Why participate?
The Dragon Village offers an opportunity to escape from everyday life, make new friendships, and strengthen family bonds. Activities are designed to encourage imagination, creativity, and teamwork while simultaneously contributing to the preservation of nature and cultural heritage.
This winter adventure promises to be an experience that participants will remember for a long time. Don’t miss the opportunity to become part of this unique story and contribute to the creation of a future attraction that will delight visitors for generations.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 19 Dezember, 2024
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