Discover Wine & Bike Tour Erdut: An unforgettable combination of wine, cycling and art on the Danube, September 8-9, 2024

Wine & Bike Tour Erdut 2024 offers a rich program with theater performances, wine-bike races and concerts, all in the beautiful ambience of Erdut vineyards on the banks of the Danube. Join in the celebration of nature, culture, and premium wine.

Discover Wine & Bike Tour Erdut: An unforgettable combination of wine, cycling and art on the Danube, September 8-9, 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The second weekend of September brings the recognizable Wine & Bike Tour Erdut event, which for many years has gathered wine, cycling, and culture enthusiasts on the slopes of the Erdut vineyard. This event, held on the unique European cycling route Eurovelo Danube, has become an indispensable part of the calendar for all those who appreciate the blend of nature, sports, and art.
Click to view accommodation in Erdut

Program and Activities
This year's event program takes place from September 8th to 9th and offers a diverse range of activities. On Friday, September 8th, the event kicks off with the theatrical performance "Neighbors" by Kerekesh Theater. This comedy, based on the popular TV series, will be held at the Erdut Community Center. Admission to the show is free, making it an excellent opportunity for locals and visitors to enjoy top-notch entertainment.

Saturday, September 9th, starts with the wine-cycling race on the Aljmaš-Erdut route, where participants search for hidden wine bottles at specific locations along the route. The winner is the one who manages to collect the most bottles in the shortest time. This race attracts many enthusiasts due to its combination of adventure and love for wine.
Click to view accommodation in Erdut

Special Events
One of the highlights of this year's event is the performance of Amira Medunjanin, a well-known Bosnian singer, who will hold a concert on Saturday evening on a stage overlooking the Danube and the stars. In addition to her performance, visitors can also expect an artistic program with poetry by Enes Kišević and the exhibition "Art in the Winery," which will showcase works by Zoran Šimunović, Ivana Lončarić, and other artists. This part of the program further enriches the cultural segment of the event, confirming Erdut's status as a center for art and culture in the region.

Support and Organization
The organization of this event is the result of the joint efforts of several institutions, including the Erdut Municipality Tourist Board, the Municipality of Erdut, the Erdut Winegrowers and Winemakers Association, the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board, and the Croatian National Tourist Board. Free transportation from Osijek to the Erdut vineyards further facilitates visitors' arrival, making the event more accessible to a wider audience.

This event not only promotes the rich cultural and wine heritage of the Erdut area but also encourages an active lifestyle through cycling and enjoyment of natural beauty. Whether you are a wine, sports, or art lover, the Wine & Bike Tour Erdut offers something for everyone.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 August, 2024
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