Celebration of the 37th beer day in Karlovac: musical spectacles, top beers and gastronomic delicacies

Join the celebration of the 37th beer day in Karlovac, where you can expect top music performances, a diverse beer offer and a rich gastronomic offer. The festival marks the 40th anniversary of the first Beer Days and the 170th birthday of Karlovac beer.

Celebration of the 37th beer day in Karlovac: musical spectacles, top beers and gastronomic delicacies
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The 37th Beer Days in Karlovac brings a new dose of entertainment and music for visitors on two stages. This long-standing beer festival marks a special jubilee this year – 40 years since the first Beer Days and the 170th birthday of Karlovačko beer. The festival's past has been marked by many famous names, and this year will be no exception.

The festival was first held in 1984, and at that time the audience was entertained by Zvonko Bogdan, Dušan Danču, Kićo Slabinac, the Lado ensemble, and many others. This year, the atmosphere will be taken care of by popular performers such as Miach, Tony Cetinski, Vojko V, Kawasaki 3P, Baby Lasagna, Prljavo kazalište, Neno Belan, Željko Bebek, Rimljani Ite Doma, Alen Vitasović, Luka Nižetić, Peki and Baksa, EOT, and others.

On Friday, August 30th, Miach, known for hits "Fantazija", "Led", "NLO" and "Tempo", will put on a real show with a surprise guest. Tony Cetinski, celebrating 35 years of his career, will join with his timeless hits like "Blago onom tko te ima", "Kad žena zavoli" and "Zbog nje".

Saturday, August 31st, brings rapper Vojko V with hits "Ne može", "Kako to", "Mamacita" and "Zovi čovika". The punk band Kawasaki 3P, known for the song about the four Karlovac rivers, will entertain the city's visitors. On Sunday, Baby Lasagna will perform the hit "Rim Tim Tagi Dim", and more information can be found on the official Beer Days Karlovac website.

Visitors can enjoy numerous DJ sets and competitive activities. In the Gastro corner, in addition to a diverse food offer, there will be performances by Leteći odred, The Gigsons, Strings band, Magnusi, Glazba Ston, Black & White, and Rivers band. Karlovačko Svijet piva will allow visitors to taste 17 international types of beer from Belgium, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Jamaica, the Netherlands, Austria, and the Czech Republic, which will satisfy even the most demanding beer lovers. Craft beers from Pivovara Podrum and Pivovara Medvedgrad will be available on the Promenade.

Karlovačka Brewery, the main sponsor of Beer Days, celebrates 170 years of existence. Since its founding in 1854, when Baron Nikola Vranyczany built the brewery building on Dubovac, the brewery has become a symbol of Karlovac. The first Beer Days were held 40 years ago, on the 130th anniversary of the brewery. Beer Days are organized by the City of Karlovac, and Karlovačko is the general sponsor. More information about the festival can be found on the official website and the Beer Days Karlovac Facebook and Instagram profiles.

Beer Days Karlovac is not only an opportunity to enjoy music and beer but also a chance to socialize and connect with friends and family. This year, with a rich music program and a diverse beer offer, visitors will be able to participate in various workshops and competitions that will further enrich their festival experience. Visitors of all ages will be able to find something for themselves, whether it's relaxing with good music, tasting different types of beer, or participating in fun activities. Karlovac will once again become the epicenter of fun and socializing, and the 37th Beer Days will be an unforgettable experience for all visitors.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Juli, 2024
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