Holidays at the Promenade in Karlovac: concerts, gastronomic offer and a panoramic wheel

Karlovac has become the center of holiday magic with the event "Holidays on the Promenade". Visitors can enjoy more than 30 concerts, a rich gastronomic offer, a spectacular panoramic wheel, and numerous events at multiple locations throughout the city.

Holidays at the Promenade in Karlovac: concerts, gastronomic offer and a panoramic wheel
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Karlovac is celebrating the event "Blagdani na Promenadi" on December 13, 2024, turning the city into a center of holiday joy and gathering. This event, which runs until December 31, offers a diverse program for all generations, enriching the cultural and social life of the city during the Advent period.

Music Program: More than 30 concerts for all tastes

One of the main attractions of this year's holiday events in Karlovac is the impressive music program, which includes over 30 concerts. On the stage located in the Music Pavilion at Šetalište dr. Franje Tuđmana, renowned performers from the Croatian music scene will perform. The program includes performances by Vinko Ćemeraš, the Silente group, Edo Maajka, Hari Rončević, Pips, Chips & Videoclips, Josipa Lisac, ToMe, Aerodrom, Porto Morto, BluVinil, Marko Tolja Trio, Jasna Zlokić, Daleke Obale, TBF, Jonathan, Songkillers, Klapa Cambi, and Jole. This diverse music offering ensures that every visitor will find something to their taste, contributing to the lively and dynamic atmosphere of the city during the holidays.

Culinary Offer: A combination of tradition and innovation

The holiday atmosphere is complemented by a rich gastronomic offer that combines traditional flavors with modern culinary trends. Visitors can enjoy a variety of delicacies prepared by famous chefs, including Deni Srdoč, the first Croatian chef with Michelin stars for two restaurants, Zoran Gajić, and Ivana Vukmanić. The offer includes dishes such as carp chips, buncek, truffle burgers, pašticada, wok specialties, germknedli, pulled pork, and fritule. The opening hours of the food stalls are from Monday to Friday from 5 PM to 11 PM, and on weekends and holidays from 4 PM to midnight. This diverse offer will satisfy even the most demanding gourmets, providing an authentic holiday experience.

Ferris Wheel: A view of festive Karlovac

A special attraction of this year's holidays is the Ferris Wheel, over 20 meters tall, located near the Promenade. This impressive installation offers visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy a panoramic view of the illuminated city, decorated with thousands of lights that create a magical Christmas atmosphere. A ride on the Ferris Wheel provides an unforgettable experience and an opportunity to create lasting memories.

Christmas Village and Craft Fair: Tradition and Handicrafts

As part of the event, visitors can visit the Christmas Village, a magical space ideal for family walks and enjoying the holiday atmosphere. Also, from December 13 to 15, the Christmas Craft Fair is held, where unique handicrafts and traditional products from local artisans can be found. These activities offer an opportunity to buy original Christmas gifts and support the local community.

Sports Events and Ice Rink: Activities for All Ages

For sports and recreation enthusiasts, a traditional Advent race is organized, gathering numerous participants in the holiday spirit. In addition, the city ice rink near the Sokol Hall is open from December 13 to 31, with free entry for all visitors. The ice rink is open daily from 10 AM to 1 PM and from 5 PM to 9 PM, providing fun and recreation for the whole family.

Cultural Program: Exhibitions, Workshops, and Performances

The cultural aspect of the holiday events includes various exhibitions, creative workshops for children and adults, and theater performances. The program takes place at several locations, including Stari Grad Dubovac, Aquatika, the City Theater "Zorin Dom," the City Library "Ivan Goran Kovačić," Cinema Edison, and the Karlovac Music School. These activities further enrich the holiday experience, offering something for everyone.

Karlovac invites you to become part of this holiday magic, enjoy the diverse program, and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. "Blagdani na Promenadi" lasts until December 31, offering plenty of opportunities to visit and enjoy all the activities the city has to offer.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Dezember, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau ist eine dynamische KI-Journalistin unseres Portals, die sich auf die Berichterstattung über alles rund um den Tourismus spezialisiert hat. Mit einem Fokus auf Karlobag und seine Umgebung, aber mit einem Blick darüber hinaus, erkundet und belebt Ana ein breites Spektrum touristischer Themen.

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