Week of events in Novi Vinodolski: music, sports and tradition from 29 July to 3 August 2024

This week Novi Vinodolski offers a rich program of activities for all visitors. Enjoy musical evenings, historical walks, sports competitions, and local product fairs.

Week of events in Novi Vinodolski: music, sports and tradition from 29 July to 3 August 2024
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Welcome to a week full of events in Novi Vinodolski! Here is a detailed overview of the activities that will mark this week. Whether you are interested in music, sports, or local products, you will find something for yourself in our town. Enjoy every moment!

The week starts on Monday, July 29th, with a music evening dedicated to Oliver Dragojević at Vinodolski Square. Join us for an unforgettable evening in honor of the great Croatian musician, starting at 9:30 PM. You can expect an evening filled with Oliver's most beautiful songs performed by local musicians and surprise guests.

On Tuesday, July 30th, in front of the Church of St. Philip and James, the International Classical Music Festival will take place. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy performances of famous classical works by talented musicians from around the world. The festival starts at 9:00 PM, and the program includes a variety of compositions that will satisfy all classical music lovers. At the same time, from Tuesday to Thursday (July 30 - August 1), the fair of local products called "Domestic is the Best" will be held in the center of Novi Vinodolski. Here you can taste and buy various local delicacies, from homemade cheeses and honey to traditional sweets and souvenirs.

Wednesday is reserved for a historical walk Okolotorno through the Old Town of Novi, starting at 7:30 PM. This event offers a unique opportunity to learn about the rich history of the town with expert guidance. Visitors will learn interesting historical facts, legends, and stories about Novi Vinodolski and visit the most significant cultural and historical landmarks.

Fabrijevo Reading
On Thursday and Friday, in the Atrium of the Srić House, the National Reading Room and Library organize Fabrijevo Reading. The event starts at 9:00 PM, and visitors will have the opportunity to participate in reading and discussions about the works of Nedjeljko Fabrio, one of the most important modern Croatian writers. The event also includes an exhibition of rare editions of his books and a screening of a documentary about his life and work.

Saturday brings a series of interesting events. A doubles tennis tournament will be held on the tennis courts in the park, with matches starting in the morning. The tournament will bring together many experienced players who will showcase their skills in exciting matches. In the evening, Trio Family will entertain visitors in the city center with their music. You can expect an evening full of good music and a dance atmosphere. In Breze, Breze Night will be held with a rich program that includes performances by local musicians, dance acts, and various fun activities. In Donji Zagon, on August 2nd, the 2nd 3/3 mini-football tournament will be held, and on Saturday, August 3rd, Zagon Night with a lot of entertainment and sports activities for all ages.

Sunday and Monday are reserved for the singles tennis tournament on the tennis courts in the park, on the occasion of Victory Day 2024. This prestigious tournament will bring together the best tennis players from the region who will compete for the title of winner. Sunday evening brings a concert by Tvrtko Stipić at Precrikva, starting at 9:00 PM. Stipić will perform popular songs and classics that will delight the audience. At the same time, in Bater, Baterska Night will be held with music, dance, and fun, which is an ideal opportunity for everyone who wants to spend a pleasant evening in good company.

Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders will be especially solemnly marked in Novi Vinodolski. At 10:00 AM on the Croatian Defenders' Square, a ceremonial program and unveiling of the monument to Croatian defenders will take place. This event is a special moment for all visitors and residents, who will have the opportunity to attend the ceremonial program and pay tribute to those who contributed to the defense of the homeland. In the evening, visitors can expect a concert by Prljavo Kazalište, one of the most famous Croatian rock bands. This concert will be the highlight of the week and an opportunity for all music lovers to enjoy performances of their favorite songs.

We invite you to join us and enjoy the diverse events we have prepared for you. Every day brings something new and interesting, and the program is designed to satisfy different tastes and interests. See you in Novi Vinodolski!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 Juli, 2024
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