Kvarner through flavors: Croatia Airlines offers authentic Kvarner delicacies during flights as part of a unique gastronomic project until the end of November 2024

Discover the gastronomic charms of Kvarner on Croatia Airlines flights by the end of November. Travelers can enjoy authentic delicacies that represent the richness of Kvarner cuisine, a combination of coastal, mountain and island specialties.

Kvarner through flavors: Croatia Airlines offers authentic Kvarner delicacies during flights as part of a unique gastronomic project until the end of November 2024
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Kvarner Tourist Board, in collaboration with the Croatian National Tourist Board and Croatia Airlines, has launched a new season of the project "Flavors of Kvarner." This project, which runs from August 1 to November 30, 2024, offers travelers a unique opportunity to taste the authentic flavors of the Kvarner region during flights.

Gastronomic Offer on Flights
On domestic and international flights, business class passengers can enjoy a rich snack box that includes sausages with rosemary, green olive paste, crackers with Žlahtina wine and sage, and cookies with dried figs and chestnuts. On shorter flights, under one hour, passengers will receive a smaller snack box with sausages with rosemary, crackers with Žlahtina wine and sage, and a cookie with chestnut. Economy class passengers will be able to taste crackers with Žlahtina wine and sage.

Significance of the Project for Kvarner
This initiative plays a key role in promoting Kvarner as a gastronomic destination, especially considering that Kvarner will be declared the European Region of Gastronomy in 2026. The project allows travelers to experience the tastes of the region and encourages tourist interest in visiting this part of Croatia.

Press Conference
The "Flavors of Kvarner" project was presented to the public at a press conference in Opatija, at the Keight Curio Collection by Hilton hotel. The conference was attended by Zlatko Komadina, Prefect of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Irena Peršić Živadinov, Director of the Kvarner Tourist Board, Slaven Žabo, Director of Commercial Affairs at Croatia Airlines, and Dubravka Auferber from the Croatian National Tourist Board.

Collaboration and Future Plans
This project symbolizes successful cooperation between the Kvarner Tourist Board, the Croatian National Tourist Board, and Croatia Airlines. The goal is to further increase the visibility of Kvarner's gastronomy through innovative marketing strategies and collaborations with key stakeholders in the tourism sector.

In addition to highlighting the region's culinary richness, the project also supports sustainable development and cross-sectoral cooperation, including tourism, agriculture, gastronomy, and culture.

Kvarner is proud of its diverse offerings, which include some of the best restaurants and top-quality local ingredients, making it an essential destination for all food lovers.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 06 August, 2024
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