Contract signed on the maintenance of the Rab-Lun-Rab shipping line, crucial for the living conditions and economic development of the island, co-financing value EUR 260,000

On 28 June 2024, contracts were signed in Rab between the Lika-Senj and Primorje-Gorski Kotar Counties and the cities of Rab and Novalja with Rabska plovidba d.d. on the six-year maintenance of the Rab-Lun-Rab shipping line, which is extremely important for the local population and the development of tourism.

Contract signed on the maintenance of the Rab-Lun-Rab shipping line, crucial for the living conditions and economic development of the island, co-financing value EUR 260,000
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On June 28, 2024, in Rab, the leaders of the Lika-Senj and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties, along with the representatives of the cities of Rab and Novalja, formalized their cooperation with Rapska plovidba d.d. by signing a six-year contract for the maintenance of the inter-county boat line Rab-Lun-Rab.

Significance of the contract for the local community
Zlatko Komadina, the prefect of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Jasna Orešković Brkljačić, deputy prefect of Lika-Senj County, Nikola Grgurić, mayor of Rab, and Ivan Dabo, mayor of Novalja, highlighted this partnership as crucial for improving the living conditions on the islands of Rab and Pag. They emphasized that the mentioned line facilitates the mobility of residents while simultaneously stimulating economic development and tourist offerings.

Financial framework and operational details
The contract stipulates co-financing in the amount of approximately 260,000 euros. Of this, 70% of the funds will be provided by Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the City of Novalja, while the remaining 30% will be shared by Lika-Senj County and the City of Rab. The Rab-Lun-Rab boat line, which connects the island of Rab with Lun on the island of Pag, is 4.5 nautical miles long. During the off-season, it will operate three times a week, while during the seasonal period it will run daily.

This line has continuously connected the islands since 1974, when it was established after the previous line to Rijeka was discontinued. The boat "Maslina", which currently maintains this line, has been in operation since 2014. Since July 1, 2017, the line has been operating as an inter-county service with year-round operations.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 Juni, 2024
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