How dogs use sound boards to communicate: research shows the complexity of a dog's cognition and understanding of words

Dogs trained to use sound boards can understand words and react to them, displaying more complex forms of communication than previously thought. New research is shedding light on the complexity of their cognition.

How dogs use sound boards to communicate: research shows the complexity of a dog
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

New research has shown that dogs, trained to use soundboards, not only recognize certain words but also respond to them in a manner consistent with context. This is part of a larger research project involving thousands of participants worldwide, focused on studying interspecies communication through sound devices.

The research, led by Federico Rossano, an associate professor in the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego, is one of the first to empirically approach this topic. This research is not only a pioneering step in understanding dogs' ability to process human language but also a significant contribution to the broader field of cognitive science.

Research results and their interpretation
According to the study results, dogs successfully responded to words like "play" and "outside," regardless of whether these words were spoken or triggered by pressing a button. The dogs' reactions were consistent regardless of who pressed the button, indicating that dogs do not rely solely on their owners' vocal signals but truly understand the meaning of words. This research was conducted in two parts: first, researchers visited the homes of 30 dogs to directly test their reactions; second, an additional 29 dog owners conducted similar experiments at home, under the remote supervision of researchers, as part of a citizen science project.

What further strengthened the results was the fact that the researchers preregistered their methodology and analytical plans in advance, ensuring transparency and the possibility of retesting the results. This rigorous methodology reduces the risk of selective reporting and contributes to the growing movement in cognitive sciences to increase scientific rigor.

Impact of the research and future directions
This research is part of a larger project aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the complexity of canine cognition and communication. While the current results are encouraging, Rossano emphasizes that this is just the beginning. Future research will focus on how dogs spontaneously use soundboards, including analyzing the meaning and systematicity in button press sequences. Rossano also highlights the importance of studying animals in their natural environment to gain a more realistic insight into their cognitive abilities.

The study was conducted in collaboration with researchers from UC Davis, the University of St. Andrews, the Universitat de València, and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. Data was collected in 2022 during the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, and participants generously opened their homes to researchers, further highlighting the growing public interest in participating in citizen science.

Conclusions and broader significance of the research
The research not only demonstrates dogs' ability to understand words but also raises new questions about the possibilities of interspecies communication. While dogs have long been considered highly intelligent animals, this research adds a new dimension to their abilities, suggesting that they are capable of more sophisticated forms of communication than previously thought. These findings have the potential to change the way we understand communication between humans and animals, opening up new possibilities for research and applications in everyday life, including dog training and improving human-animal interaction.

The research was also supported by the Academic Senate of the University of California through a research grant (RG103503), ensuring the continuation of this significant project.

Source: University of California

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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