University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tudjman" filled the quota for military maritime affairs with ten new cadets for 2024/2025

University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tudjman" filled the quota for military maritime affairs in the academic year 2024/2025, including ten new cadets. The programme offers comprehensive education and practical skills required for a career in the maritime industry and security sector.

University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tudjman" filled the quota for military maritime affairs with ten new cadets for 2024/2025
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" recently filled the approved enrollment quota for the 2024/2025 academic year, including ten new cadets enrolled in the university's integrated undergraduate and graduate study program in Military Maritime Studies, with modules in Military Nautics and Military Ship Engineering.

This study program is designed for the education of future officers of the Croatian Navy and employees of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure. The study has been developed in cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, the University of Split, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure.

High quality of education
The Military Maritime Studies program provides comprehensive education, combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Cadets will gain a deep understanding of professional and scientific principles and procedures crucial for maritime expertise and ship management skills. The curriculum includes academic, professional, and military content that will prepare students for various challenges in their future careers.

In addition to professional maritime knowledge, cadets will develop the competencies needed to perform the first duties in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, as well as duties in the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure. Upon graduation, students can expect secure employment in one of these institutions.

Tradition and obligations
The enrollment of new cadets at the University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" emphasizes the importance of academic education for members of the homeland security system of the Republic of Croatia. This institution continues the tradition founded on the knowledge and needs expressed during the Homeland War for the independence and sovereignty of Croatia.

At the end of 2023, the Military Maritime Studies program was officially taken over by the University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tuđman". The program is jointly conducted with the components of the University of Split, further strengthening the cooperation between these academic institutions and military structures.

A wide range of opportunities
The Military Maritime Studies program offers students a wide range of opportunities for career development. Through an intensive curriculum, cadets will be equipped with the skills needed to face challenges in the military and civilian sectors. Special emphasis is placed on practical training, which takes place on modern simulators and ships, ensuring that cadets gain experience in real conditions.

Furthermore, the program includes training in military skills, covering tactics, navigation, maritime safety, and crisis management. These skills make cadets competitive in the job market and prepare them to take on responsible positions immediately upon graduation.

Scientific and research work
The University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" encourages scientific and research work among students. Cadets are encouraged to participate in various research projects and conferences, where they can present their work and exchange ideas with colleagues and experts in the fields of maritime and security.

This practice allows students to develop analytical and research skills, which are crucial for their professional development. Additionally, through participation in international projects and exchanges, cadets gain a global perspective and experience working in different cultural and operational environments.

All these components make the Military Maritime Studies program one of the most prestigious and sought-after programs for young people who want to build a career in the maritime industry and security sector. In this way, the University of Defense and Security "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" continues its mission of providing top-quality education and training to new generations of experts.

Hora de creación: 24 julio, 2024
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Su escritura cubre en detalle una amplia gama de temas, desde los últimos logros en tecnología militar, pasando por análisis de operaciones militares exitosas, hasta reflexiones críticas sobre el futuro de las estrategias de defensa. Tea presta especial atención a las Fuerzas Armadas de Croacia, explorando su historia, desarrollo y las victorias clave que han marcado su papel en la escena internacional.

Además de centrarse en las Fuerzas Armadas de Croacia, Tea también aborda las tendencias globales en la industria militar, incluyendo el desarrollo y la aplicación de armamento avanzado, drones, ciberseguridad y otras tecnologías que transforman la forma en que se libran los conflictos modernos. Sus análisis de equipos militares y armamento proporcionan una visión profunda sobre las ventajas y limitaciones de diferentes sistemas, destacando la importancia de la innovación tecnológica en el mantenimiento de la seguridad nacional y global.

Tea también investiga cómo las simulaciones militares y los juegos estratégicos pueden servir como herramientas para la formación y el desarrollo de estrategias militares, brindando perspectivas únicas sobre la preparación y ejecución de operaciones militares. A través de la interacción con expertos, analistas militares y comunidades de veteranos, trae historias que ilustran la complejidad de los desafíos militares y la importancia de la capacitación continua y la adaptación.

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