Start of theoretical preparation for selection flight of candidates for the 33rd generation of military pilots: scholarships, training and motivation

At the Training Center of the Croatian Air Force "Rudolf Perešin", theoretical preparation for the selection flight of candidates for the 33rd generation of military pilots began. Successful candidates will sign a scholarship agreement.

Start of theoretical preparation for selection flight of candidates for the 33rd generation of military pilots: scholarships, training and motivation
Photo by: HRZ/ L. Parlo/ hr

At the Croatian Air Force Training Center "Rudolf Perešin" in the "Colonel Mirko Vukušić" barracks in Zemunik, on July 1, 2024, theoretical preparation began for the selection flight of candidates for the 33rd generation of military pilots.

This year, in addition to candidates who have completed the fourth grade of high school, those who have completed the third grade also joined the selection flight.

After successfully completing the selection flight, candidates will have the opportunity to sign a scholarship contract with the Ministry of Defense, based on which they will receive a scholarship during their high school education. Next year, they will continue their training to become military pilots with the 34th generation of students.

Commander of the Training Center
Brigadier Željko Harapin, the commander of the Croatian Air Force Training Center, thanked the candidates for applying. "The selection flight is short but intense and extremely important. It is the first step in your career," said Brigadier Harapin, emphasizing the importance of motivation for success.

"We see you as a team. You need to help and support each other, and then you will all be better," added Harapin, wishing them luck and success in the selection flight.

Commander of the Pilot School
Brigadier Davor Gren, the commander of the Pilot School at the Croatian Air Force Training Center, informed the candidates about the upcoming activities. He urged them to start learning immediately as they will face many challenges.

"If you successfully complete the selection flight and persist in your decision to become military pilots, you will have a unique opportunity to fly the new aircraft of the Croatian Air Force. This should be additional motivation and encouragement for you to be dedicated, responsible, persistent, and study hard," Brigadier Gren told them, adding: "We are all at your disposal and we will do everything to ensure that you successfully complete the selection flight."

After acquiring basic knowledge of aerodynamics and flight mechanics and familiarizing themselves with the technical characteristics of the ZLIN 242 L aircraft in the Technical Classroom, candidates will continue their selection flight in the 392nd Squadron of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force. There they will apply theoretical knowledge, train on a simulator, and finally start flying.

During the selection flight, their basic abilities for further training as military pilots will be assessed.

Hora de creación: 03 julio, 2024
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