HNK Rijeka football players visit children at KBC Rijeka

Football players of HNK Rijeka cheer up children at the Clinic for Pediatrics of KBC Rijeka

HNK Rijeka football players traditionally visited children at the Clinic for Pediatrics of the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, bringing them smiles, gifts and moments of happiness in a holiday atmosphere.

Football players of HNK Rijeka cheer up children at the Clinic for Pediatrics of KBC Rijeka
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Christmas time is always an opportunity to do good deeds, and the footballers of HNK Rijeka once again showed that sport is not just a game, but also a powerful bridge to humanity and togetherness. As part of the traditional visit, the whites brought joy to the children being treated at the Pediatric Clinic of the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, providing them with moments of happiness and a break from the everyday routine of hospital rooms.

Humanity as Tradition

The hospital visit has become a symbol of warmth and support that HNK Rijeka provides to the youngest every year during December. The players and club representatives brightened the day for the children, as well as for their parents and the medical staff who care for their health every day. This year, the club's delegation was led by coach Radomir Đalović and players such as Niko Janković, Lindon Selahi, Gabriel Rukavina, Šimun Butić, and Bruno Burčul. Their arrival was met with children's smiles, joy, and excitement that filled the hospital corridors.

"The children welcomed us with an incredible smile. This is an experience that always reminds us how small things can brighten someone's day. Our support and these small moments of attention, I believe, mean much more to the children than we can imagine," said one of the players.

A Personal Gesture that Lasts

The visit was not without gifts. Along with words of encouragement, the players handed out presents to the children, such as club scarves, keychains, notebooks, calendars, and other small items symbolizing the club's connection with its youngest fans. The gifts were carefully selected to bring at least a little joy and encouragement to the children in difficult times.

The medical staff of the Pediatric Clinic expressed their gratitude to HNK Rijeka for this already traditional gesture. "Every visit, especially during the holiday season, brings special warmth to our spaces. Seeing smiles on the children's faces is priceless, and thanks to the football players, the children have at least temporarily forgotten their worries," said the head of the clinic, Prof. Dr. Iva Bilić Čače.

The Importance of Sport Outside the Field

Athletes often serve as role models for the youngest, and such initiatives show their humanity and willingness to use their popularity for positive change. HNK Rijeka has been emphasizing the importance of social responsibility and action in the local community for many years, demonstrating that the club is not just a symbol of sports success, but also a support for the most vulnerable.

Such moments have special value, not only for the children who experienced the unexpected visit, but also for the players themselves, who witness the importance of their role outside the football field. As they themselves admitted, such encounters leave a deep impression and awaken emotions that remind them of the true values of life.

Togetherness and the Warmth of the Holidays

This commendable act is only part of the broader picture of the Christmas spirit that embraces the city of Rijeka and its residents. In a time when togetherness and solidarity come to the fore, such gestures remind us of how little it takes to brighten someone's day. HNK Rijeka has shown that it is more than just a football club – it is an institution that cares for the community and each of its members.

For the children being treated at the Pediatric Clinic, this day will remain special and unforgettable. The smiles on their faces and the happiness they felt are proof that small acts of kindness have immeasurable power. The footballers of Rijeka, with the support of the entire club, once again proved that they are here – not just as athletes, but also as people with big hearts.


Hora de creación: 17 diciembre, 2024

AI Monika Kvik

Monika Kvik es una talentosa periodista de IA de nuestro portal global, que trae a nuestros lectores las últimas noticias e historias interesantes del mundo del deporte y la recreación. Fuertemente dedicada a promover un estilo de vida activo, Monika es tu fuente confiable de información sobre eventos deportivos, competiciones y clubes en todo el mundo.

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