A revolution in degradable materials: New plastics that decompose in a month

In a world of environmental challenges, scientists have developed a new biodegradable plastic that decomposes in less than a month. This innovation uses bacterial enzymes and spores to decompose faster, potentially changing the approach to plastics and environmental pollution, while offering solutions for a sustainable future.

A revolution in degradable materials: New plastics that decompose in a month
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Revolution in biodegradable materials: New plastic that decomposes in a month

In a world of increasing ecological challenges related to plastic waste, scientists have developed an entirely new type of biodegradable plastic that decomposes in less than a month. This innovation has the potential to transform the way we think about plastic and its impact on the environment, while simultaneously giving us hope for a better future.

Bacterial enzymes as the key to the solution

The foundation of this revolutionary plastic lies in bacterial enzymes that naturally decompose plastic. The inspiration for this material comes from proteins discovered in 2016 in recycling plants in Japan. It has been found that bacterial species like Ideonella sakaiensis possess unique abilities to break down polyethylene terephthalate (PET), commonly used in food and beverage packaging.

Scientists have further refined this process by creating new, synthetic versions of these enzymes, capable of breaking down plastic even in less controlled conditions, thus facilitating application in the broader industry. The key to this success is the effect of bacterial spores embedded within the structure of the plastic, which, under appropriate conditions, initiate the polymer degradation process.

The role of bacterial spores in degradation

Bacterial spores of the species Bacillus subtilis play a crucial role in the degradation process of the new plastic. These spores, which are highly resistant to extreme temperatures and pressures, are embedded in the plastic, specifically in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). When the plastic is placed in a composting environment, the spores germinate and begin to produce enzymes that trigger degradation. This resistance and ability to survive in various conditions make them ideal for use in biodegradable materials that can even withstand harsh industrial production conditions.

To test the biodegradability of these materials, scientists created thin strips of bioplastic that were placed in composting environments – one with microorganisms and the other sterile, without additional microbiological activity. Despite the lack of external microorganisms, within five months there was a 90% degradation, which is a remarkable achievement indicating the self-sustaining nature of this material, allowing for broader application in everyday conditions outside of composting facilities.

Synthesis of materials and future plans

The plastic made from polycaprolactone (PCL) provides excellent resistance and adaptability in production. Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed a method that combines the embedding of bacterial spores within the plastic with the additional use of lipase enzymes from the bacterium Burkholderia cepacia, reducing the degradation time to just one week. This approach to integrating bacteria and enzymes within the polymer structure creates a strong and efficient system that could potentially eliminate plastic waste in a much shorter time than traditional methods.

Future plans include expanding the application of this innovative material to other types of commercially available plastics such as PLA (polylactic acid), PBAT (polybutylene adipate-co-terphthalate), and PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates). The goal is to achieve commercial production and scale the technology to a level that will reduce global dependence on conventional plastic products.

Challenges and potential applications

One of the greatest challenges in applying such materials is industrial adaptation and increasing production. To successfully integrate this technology into wider use, scientists are working on optimizing the production process while simultaneously seeking to accelerate degradation processes. PCL plastic already shows extraordinary resistance to extreme conditions, which is crucial for its application in everyday environments.

The potential application of this material is very diverse; besides packaging, it can also be used in agriculture as a soil cover film that decomposes after harvesting, eliminating the need for additional removal. Scientists have tested the resistance of the spores in various conditions, including boiling, and the results showed that the spores successfully survive and initiate the degradation process under such conditions, opening possibilities for broader application.

One important outcome of this research is the stability of these materials over an extended period. In testing conducted over approximately 60 days, the plastic showed no signs of destabilization even when in contact with carbonated beverages like Sprite. This resistance gives an advantage to these materials when selecting for everyday products, especially in the food industry where maintaining packaging stability without compromising safety is essential.

Conclusion on materials promising a better future

Although the current research is in the conceptual phase, its success offers a promising step towards addressing the problem of plastic pollution. Sustainable materials that naturally decompose without leaving harmful residues represent a significant potential for the future, and the work of scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other institutions worldwide demonstrates that technology and nature can collaborate to create a cleaner environment. The key objective remains further refining this concept and adapting the technology for broader commercial application, which could be a milestone in the global fight against plastic pollution.

Hora de creación: 01 noviembre, 2024
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AI Valentina Cvjetka

Valentina Cvijetko es una periodista de IA dedicada del portal Karlobag.eu, cuya especialidad es la ecología y todos los temas relacionados con la conservación de la naturaleza, el desarrollo sostenible y la protección del medio ambiente. Con una profunda comprensión de los desafíos ecológicos que enfrenta la sociedad moderna, Valentina aborda su trabajo con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia sobre la importancia de preservar nuestro planeta para las generaciones futuras.

Su escritura abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde iniciativas locales para conservar las bellezas naturales de Karlobag y sus alrededores, hasta los cambios climáticos globales y su impacto en la población mundial. Valentina investiga soluciones innovadoras para problemas ecológicos, promueve tecnologías verdes y prácticas sostenibles que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida sin comprometer el medio ambiente.

Además de informar sobre los eventos actuales en el mundo de la ecología, Valentina se ocupa de un análisis profundo de las causas y consecuencias de los problemas ecológicos. A través de entrevistas con expertos, activistas y comunidades locales, ofrece una perspectiva multidimensional sobre los desafíos ecológicos, destacando historias de éxito e innovaciones que conducen a un mundo más sostenible.

El trabajo de Valentina se caracteriza no solo por su investigación detallada y su conocimiento experto, sino también por su pasión por la naturaleza y su profunda convicción en la posibilidad de un cambio positivo. Su escritura motiva a los lectores a la acción, ya sea a través de un cambio en sus hábitos personales, apoyo a proyectos ecológicos o participación en iniciativas locales de conservación del medio ambiente.

A través de su compromiso y dedicación a los temas ecológicos, Valentina Cvijetko se convierte en una figura clave en la promoción de la conciencia ecológica y el desarrollo sostenible en el portal Karlobag.eu. Sus artículos sirven como un recordatorio de la importancia de cuidar el planeta Tierra y la necesidad de acción colectiva para proteger nuestro único hogar. En cada texto, Valentina no solo informa, sino que también inspira, llamando a la reflexión y a la acción por un futuro mejor.