Participation of the Croatian Mine Action Team in NATO international operations to secure maritime routes and security in the Mediterranean

The Croatian Mine Action Team actively participates in NATO missions with the aim of neutralizing mines and ensuring free passage in the Mediterranean. This operation strengthens the safety of maritime routes and enhances cooperation between the Alliance's member navies.

Participation of the Croatian Mine Action Team in NATO international operations to secure maritime routes and security in the Mediterranean
Photo by: HRM/ M. Siriščević/ hr

The permanent NATO mine countermeasures group, known as Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2), is a crucial component of the NATO alliance for maintaining maritime security. The activities of this group encompass various tasks, including mine neutralization operations in the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. The Croatian diving team from the Croatian Navy (HRM) participates in these operations as part of the tenth rotation of the Croatian contingent, contributing to the safeguarding of maritime passages and the security of shipping routes.

NATO mine countermeasure operations often involve multinational cooperation, and SNMCMG2 actively conducts exercises such as "Dynamic Move" and "Mare Aperto," aimed at enhancing interoperability among the navies of different allies. The HRM's mine countermeasure divers, embarked on the Italian ship ITS "Alghero," are involved in these complex missions, contributing to precise detection and removal of mines in critical maritime regions.

Last year's activities of SNMCMG2 were also focused on strengthening security measures within the "Sea Guardian" operation, where NATO vessels ensured freedom of navigation in the Mediterranean waters. These missions emphasized threat detection, prevention of illegal activities, and enhancement of maritime awareness. The Croatian mine countermeasure team had the opportunity to learn from these operations, acquiring new knowledge and skills through cooperation with the navies of other NATO member countries.

The history of SNMCMG2 dates back to 1999 when NATO first established permanent mine countermeasures forces. Since then, the group has participated in numerous missions, including the removal of mines left over from military operations in the Adriatic Sea during "Operation Allied Force." Such missions remain of exceptional importance today, as maritime security continues to be a priority for the NATO alliance, especially in waters with historical threats from explosive devices.

This mission also has a diplomatic dimension. During operations, SNMCMG2 vessels regularly visit the ports of allied and partner countries, strengthening relationships among navies and promoting international cooperation. For example, the Croatian contingent participates in joint exercises with the navies of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey, further contributing to the enhancement of security standards in the Mediterranean region.

In the coming months, the Croatian mine countermeasure team, under the command of Sergeant Vlaho Vlatković, will be involved in similar activities aimed at ensuring free passage through maritime routes and reducing mine threats. It is expected that this contingent, like the previous ones, will achieve significant results and contribute to the NATO alliance's efforts in maintaining maritime security and stability.

In the future, NATO will continue to strengthen its capabilities for maritime operations, and Croatian divers will continue to play an important role in these efforts, using their expertise and experience gained through years of participation in mine countermeasure operations.

Hora de creación: 13 septiembre, 2024
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