Proclamation of the best soldiers and NCOs of the Croatian Air Force for the first and second quarters of 2024 at the "Colonel Marko Živković" barracks

The proclamation of the best soldiers and NCOs of the Croatian Air Force for the first and second quarters was held in the "Colonel Marko Živković" barracks on July 10, 2024. Commander Michael Križanec congratulated the lauded.

Proclamation of the best soldiers and NCOs of the Croatian Air Force for the first and second quarters of 2024 at the "Colonel Marko Živković" barracks
Photo by: HRZ/ hr

In the "Colonel Marko Živković" barracks in Velika Gorica on July 10, 2024, the announcement of the best soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the Croatian Air Force for the first and second quarters of 2024 was held.

The Commander of the Croatian Air Force, Major General Michael Križanec, congratulated and thanked the soldiers and non-commissioned officers for their excellence in task execution, initiative, professionalism, and dedicated and honorable service.

For excellence in task execution, promoting professionalism, and dedicated and honorable service, the following were declared the best soldiers and non-commissioned officers:

For January, Corporal David Šimić (91st Wing) was declared the best soldier, while Sergeant Major Stjepan Vargaš (91st Wing) was declared the best non-commissioned officer.

The best non-commissioned officer of February was Sergeant Major Denis Šušić (93rd Wing). For March, Corporal Martina Fistrić (91st Wing) was declared the best soldier, and Sergeant Marin Zekić (93rd Wing) the best non-commissioned officer.

Soldier Karlo Kadija (93rd Wing) was declared the best soldier of April, and the best non-commissioned officer of April was Corporal Hrvoje Rogić (93rd Wing).

For May, the best soldier is Soldier Marko Zubčić (93rd Wing), while the best non-commissioned officer is Corporal Luka Dizdar (91st Wing). In June, Corporal Antonio Picek (91st Wing) was declared the best soldier, and Sergeant Major Stipe Baždarić (SzO "Rudolf Perešin") the best non-commissioned officer.

On behalf of the best soldiers and non-commissioned officers for the first and second quarters, Sergeant Major Stipe Baždarić thanked for the commendations. With thirty-three years of experience in the Croatian Air Force, he emphasized the importance of integrity as a fundamental virtue of every soldier and non-commissioned officer, saying: "First of all, I want to say that it feels extremely good to receive a commendation, especially together with the younger generations who are the pledge for the future of the Croatian Air Force. In their hands, we are safe. Thank you for recognizing us. This is a great motivation and encouragement for us."

In addition to the Commander of the Croatian Air Force, Major General Michael Križanec, the ceremony was also attended by the Chief Master Sergeant of the branch, Command Sergeant Major Robert Tramišak, and the Chief Master Sergeants of the units from which the commended members come.

Hora de creación: 12 julio, 2024
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