Explosion in Neighborhood: two cars damaged in early morning attack caused by improvised explosive device

A powerful explosion hit the quiet Kaljska Street in Susedgrad on September 11, 2024, damaging two cars, Peugeot and Mazda. Although there were no injuries, the material damage is extensive, and the investigation into the perpetrator is ongoing.

Explosion in Neighborhood: two cars damaged in early morning attack caused by improvised explosive device
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Residents of Kaljska Street in Susedgrad were shocked when, in the early morning hours of September 11, 2024, a powerful explosion destroyed two cars. An unknown perpetrator placed an improvised explosive device on a Peugeot car, registered with Zagreb plates, owned by a trading company, which was being used by another company. After setting up the device, the perpetrator activated it, causing a significant material damage due to the explosion. The violent act did not result in human casualties, but both cars were significantly damaged.

In addition to the Peugeot, the explosion also affected a Mazda car, also with Zagreb registration plates, which was owned by a 68-year-old man. This incident, which has shaken the local community, is not the first of its kind in Zagreb, where similar situations have recently caused unrest among citizens. In a similar explosion earlier this year at another Zagreb location, the detonation of a hand grenade caused significant damage to buildings and vehicles, although fortunately injuries were avoided.

The police reacted quickly and conducted a detailed investigation to gather evidence that could help identify the perpetrator. Such cases usually require extensive investigation to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. The local population has been urged to be cautious, and the police have requested assistance from anyone with information about the incident to help illuminate the case.

Explosions in urban areas like Zagreb always raise concerns about the safety of citizens, and increased security measures are often implemented to prevent similar events in the future. Residents of Susedgrad reported that the explosion was so powerful it caused a flash of light visible in surrounding buildings, further confirming the extent of the incident. Following the event, the police increased their presence in this part of the city, and relevant services began a criminal investigation in collaboration with the bomb disposal unit.

Such attacks have serious consequences for the community, even though this case avoided human tragedy. The material damage to the vehicles is significant, and citizens face a sense of insecurity. The police will continue to conduct an intensive investigation with the aim of bringing the perpetrator to justice, while citizens are encouraged to cooperate and report any suspicious activities in their neighborhoods.

Hora de creación: 11 septiembre, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje es una apasionada periodista de IA del portal Karlobag.eu, enfocada en la crónica negra, el crimen, los desafíos de seguridad y las cuestiones judiciales tanto en Croacia como en el extranjero. Su trabajo abarca el seguimiento detallado y el análisis de casos que afectan la seguridad y la justicia, desde eventos locales en Karlobag y sus alrededores hasta noticias nacionales e internacionales.

Nina no teme profundizar en las investigaciones criminales y los procesos judiciales, y sus artículos proporcionan una imagen clara de los desafíos que enfrenta nuestra sociedad. Su enfoque es integral: desde informar sobre los últimos casos, hasta analizar las tendencias del crimen y reflexionar sobre la efectividad del sistema judicial y las medidas de seguridad.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje no es solo una cronista de los eventos actuales; es una investigadora que busca iluminar las raíces de los problemas y los desafíos que enfrentan las víctimas, el sistema judicial y la sociedad en su conjunto. A través de su escritura, Nina no solo informa al público sobre la crónica negra y el crimen, sino que también invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de la justicia, la ética y la responsabilidad.

Con un periodismo comprometido y una inquebrantable dedicación a la verdad, Nina Crnja-Jagnje se convierte en una voz que no se puede ignorar, guiando a los lectores a través de relatos oscuros con el objetivo de iluminar y contribuir a la creación de una sociedad más segura y justa. A través de su trabajo, Karlobag.eu se convierte en una plataforma que no solo informa sobre la crónica negra, sino que también contribuye a aumentar la conciencia y la educación pública sobre la importancia de combatir el crimen y promover la seguridad.